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Monument of Bogenbai batyr in Yereymentau.

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Site of objects associated with Bogenbai Batyr (burial site, monument sign and historical museum). There are a number of sacred objects associated with the name of the legendary batyr Bogenbai in the Yereimentau district and Birzhan sal district of the Akmola region.
Location of Бөгенбай сөресі: In 1775 Kanzhygaly Bogenbai batyr from the village of Yereimen moved on to the summer pasture of Sileti. Bogenbai batyr dies at the age of 98 at the Kiikbai tributary of the Lake Selety during the nomadic life.
At this time, Abylai khan leaves for Omsk. Before the arrival of the khan, a high place was made of logs; so that the body of the batyr would not undergo decomposition, it was embalmed. The place is located 1.5 km from the village of Aksu, Birzhan sal district. Since then it has been called «Бөгенбай сөресі». In order to protect the Kazakh people, military achievements of Bogenbai Batyr, people wanted to canonize him, therefore they ask Abylay khan to issue a decree to bury the body of the batyr inside the Hodzha Ahmet Yassaui mausoleum in Turkestan.
Umbettei Zhyrau notified Abylay khan about the death of Bogenbai:
О, жамағат, жамағат!
Қаз дауысты Қазыбек
Шақшақ ұлы Жәнібек
Kаракерей Қабанбай,
Қанжығалы Бөгенбай,
Үшеуі батыр,бірі би,
Тәңірім берген сондай сый
Сол төртеудің біреуі –
Батырың өлді Бөгенбай!- жырлапты.
Батырынан айырылған Abylai khan:
Бәрін айтта ,бірін айт,
Қанжығалы Бөгенбайды айт,
Aылдың жатқан үйін табушы еді, – he expressed his bitterness and regret.
Khan fulfilled the wish of the people and sent the body of Bogenbai batyr to Turkestan. His grand-nephew from the Adai generation, the children Turanali, Turymbet, Argynbai, Zhylkybai and another 40 people buried Bogenbai batyr in the building of the Hodzha Ahmet Yassaui mausoleum.
There is an inscription on the monument at the entrance to the Yereimentau district that says: «Бұл жерде 1775 жылы қазақтың қамал қорғаны болған батыр Бөгенбай қайтыс болған», specially made of stainless steel.
Authority and photos:
Folk legends, data provided by local historians. http://srh.kz/content/kompleks-obyektov-svyazannyh-s-imenem-bogenbaya-batyra-mesto-zahoronen/