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Shezhire Art Gallery.

Cultural and entertainment tour from Almaty to Nur-Sultan.
“Peace to all nations, slaves - joy to the light,
Salvation forever from sorrows and troubles
They carry a harsh sword and a meek feather -
Two things, that’s all, but there’s no third in the world”
Cultural travels in Nur-Sultan.
Gallery of modern art "Shezhire". The Shezhire Gallery of Modern Art is the first private gallery of modern art in Astana. "Shezhіre" in Kazakh means "the annals of the clan, the family tree, the genealogy of the people or individual."
The appearance of the gallery was preceded by the site www.gallery.kz Only a year and a half after the opening of the site, the gallery was presented. In September 2001, her first exposition was held. A personal exposition of the works of the master of Kazakhstani art, Abdrashit Sydykhanov, was presented to the attention of art lovers.
Gallery "Shezhіre" helps to take the first step towards the origins, makes it possible to more deeply realize your past. The special significance of the gallery in the cultural life of the capital is explained by the fact that its main direction is the preservation of a lively connection of generations, folk customs and the continuation of our ancient culture, which is valuable not only for Kazakhstan, but for the whole world.
The Pazyryk Maiden exhibition, which presented the robes of the Saka Tsarina, an exact replica of a wooden horse harness, was the beginning of a large long-term project for the reconstruction of many elements of the Saka life: costumes, dwellings, chariots, weapons, dishes and other utensils.
The gallery hosted the exhibitions of M. Bekeyev - “Smoot”, M. Antonyuk - “In memory of the sixties”, A. and S. Bapanov - “Wandering”, G. Telgazieva - “Saukele”, S. Guliyev - “When Kazakhs were seafarers ... ”, J. Adraman -“ Dala Schuenі ”, GABO -“ Aroma of the East ”, Aktoty -“ Aktoty ”, etc.
Left bank, Nursaya complex, 333 133. Opening hours: daily, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Guide to Astana.