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Philharmonic in Astana.

Bus tours of Astana.
“Music is the poetry of the air”
Jean Paul.
Monuments of spiritual culture of Astana.
Today, without exaggeration, the Astana Philharmonic Society is the largest in the country, both in terms of the number of creative groups and the composition of their participants. The first was created in 1997 /: The Orchestra of Kazakh Folk Instruments, which was organized and led at one time by the honored artist, professor Myrzagali Aydabolov.
Now the honored artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Turar Alipbaev and Batyr Temirgaliev, the winner of the prize “Daryn A. Muzdakhanova, laureates of the International Competition named after Kurmangazy K. Musaev, S. Kusainov, J. Zhusupov, B. Tashimov.
The orchestra's repertoire includes more than 300 pieces, including the immortal creations of classics - Dauletkerei, Tattimbet, Dina Nurpeisova, Ikylas, Abay, etc. Already in 1998, a symphony orchestra was created, which is currently headed by a conductor working with world-famous bands, the winner of the Tarlan Prize Alan Buribaev the orchestra also has many musicians, laureates of various competitions, these are promising, young, gifted performers.
Of particular note is the State Chamber Orchestra Academy of Soloists. It was created on the initiative of an outstanding violinist, People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of many international competitions Aiman Musakhodjaeva.
The team is well known all over the world, its main conductor is Bakhytzhan Musakhodjaeva. State String Quartet RS named after G. Zhubanova is one of the brightest creative groups of the State Philharmonic. The String Quartet, created in 1988, has achieved unprecedented success.
He is the winner of the Golden Autumn Prize (Ukraine), the winner of the third and first prizes of the competition named after D. Shostak ¬wich, laureate of the Golden Leaf (Italy), winner of the Grand Prix of the international competition "Shabyt" and the Cup of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, as well as a participant in other international competitions.
Since 1995, the creative team has been working closely with musicians of the State Quartet of Russia named after Borodin under the guidance of the legendary musician V. Berlinsky. In 2000, the quartet was awarded the government award “Eren Enbek Ushn”.
In October 2004 to July 2005, the quartet underwent an internship at the Academy of Music of the Queen of Spain Sofia under the guidance of Professor R. Schmidt. In July 2005, the creative team took second place at the 5th International Contest of Chamber Ensembles and Quartets in Japan, and was recognized by the Academy of Music of the Queen of Spain Sofia as the best quarter of the year. The artistic director of the quartet is its participant, cellist Er-nar Myntaev.
The Philharmonic of the city of Astana does not give preference to any direction in art. A variety of groups were given the opportunity to develop and perform as required by the laws of their genre. A brass band is successfully working under the direction of Akim Mukhatzhanov.
It consists of wonderful musicians: Professor Kairulla Zhumakenov, Associate Professor Gani Ismayilov, young talented musicians, laureates of international competitions A. Usik, B. Mazhagulov, M. Gandrabur, A Bogdan, Zh. Tlenchiev perform next to them.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the orchestra became the laureate of the International Musical Sarah Arch Festival in Karaganda. The folk ensemble "Ak Orda", artistic director Nurlan Khamzin, not only revives the ancient ancient instruments, such as sherter, kylkobyz, saz syrnai, zhetigen, etc., but also performs music by modern composers in transposition to an exotic sound.
Two dance groups: the Naz folk dance ensemble (Hadish and Erkebulan Agimbaevs) and the Vedett show ballet (Dilmar Amirova) were loved not only by the audience in the capital. Their skill was appreciated by the jury of international competitions and spectators: of foreign countries.
Chamber music is performed by the quintet of woodwind instruments, artistic director Gani Ismayilov, breaststroke quintet, director Sergei Zhorov. Such a large number is not the limit for the city philharmonic. It is possible to create new projects and programs, and these tasks are solved by the most universal and eminent department of the Philharmonic - the concert.
It consists of performers of classical, folk, pop music, conversational genre, such as Honored Artists Gulnar Khamzina, Gallia Baygazinova, young artists, laureates of competitions and festivals Shabyt, Zhas Kanat, Asia Dauys and other music forums. Address: Republic Avenue, 34. Tel: 326 801
Guidebook to Astana and Akmola region.