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Petroglyphs of Varzik.

Camping trip in the mountains of Uzbekkistan.
“History is a witness of the past, the light of truth, a living memory, a teacher of life, a messenger of antiquity”
Holiday lightweight hiking in Uzbekistan.
In the southern foothills of the Chatkal Range in 1982, M.M. Khuzhanazarov examined petroglyphs located near the village of Varzik, 30 km north of the city of Chust (Ferghana Valley) in the Chust district, Namangan region.
In 1982, M.M. Khujanazarov surveyed petroglyphs located in the vicinity of the village of Varzik, 30km north of Chust (Fergana Valley) in the southern foothills of the Chatkal Range. Flat-topped hills are covered with quaternary deluvial-proluvial deposits.
Rock art occurs on the surfaces of boulders including some in the rock fill of kurgan burials located on the slopes and dated from the Ist century BC to the 6th century AD (Baratov 1991:16). A total of 200 boulders with 737 petroglyphs with mostly single anthropomorphs and zoomorphic images were found.
Very few images are related to each other. Anthropomorphs are depicted with bows, quivers (?) and staffs. Many images with snakes were noted. In general, the Varzik petroglyphs differ in style, techniques, and shades of desert varnish.
There are superimpositions. Petroglyphs are dated from the second half of the Ist millennium BC to the beginning of the Modern Era (Khujanazarov 1999: 55 - 67).
Muhiddin Khujanazarov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.