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High Alai mountains.

Rock Climbing Routes in Tajikistan.
“I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them”
Mark Twain.
Tajikistan Mountains.
High Alai is a watershed of the rivers of Ferghana and Alai valleys. It is located in the south-west of Kyrgyzstan and in the north-east of central Tajikistan, in the system of the Pamir-Alai mountains. In the west, the valley of the Sokh river High Alai is separated from the Matcha (Matchinsky mountain junction), the eastern border of this region runs along the Isfayramsay river.
Inside, the district can be divided into five sections (from west to east): the region of Tandykul peak, the region of the Abramov glacier, the mountains of Kuruk-Sai, Dugoba and Chekelik. The highest point of the region is Tandykul peak, 5539 meters above sea level.
The central part of the High Alai is the Alai Range, which stretches almost 200 kilometers wide. The Kuruk-Sai Mountains extend to the northwest, the Collector ridge to the northeast and the Tekelik ridge to the southeast.
The average height of the ranges reaches 4500 meters above sea level. Rocks are usually destroyed. The snow line practically never drops below 3000 meters above sea level, in the gorges of the northern exposure - 3200 meters above sea level, and on the southern - 3600 meters above sea level.
The largest glaciers in this region are Inpan-saldy, Tandykul, Yangidavan, Dzhamankyrchii, Abramova, Gadzhir, Egorova, Dugoba. In the south-west of the region, glaciation is more significant, to the northeast, the number of glaciers and their sizes are decreasing.
It is more convenient to get to the Surdob-Kyzyl-Suu Valley (Alai Valley) along the northwestern Pamir Highway from Dushanbe. On the way, behind Obigarm, a resort of all-Union significance, the highway rushes to Vakhsh.
Here, one branch goes to the Obihingou valley (Pamir), and the other to Surkhob-Kyzyl (Alai) to the village of Dzhirgatal via Garm and Hunt (it takes one day to get there by car). Local aircraft fly from Dushanbe to Garm.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.