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Mangyshlak climate.

Trips in mountains of Mangystau.

"Do not scold the weather - if it did not change, nine out of ten people would not be able to start a single conversation."

 Frank Hubbard.

Sights of Mangystau.

Climate of peninsula Mangyshlak sharply continental, droughty, with greater fluctuations of seasonal and daily temperatures of air, small quantity of deposits, about 1200 mm a year. 
Winter on Mangyshlak (December, February) moderately cold, it is not enough snow.
Steady frosts begin in the middle of December. Temperature of air in the afternoon in January - 4 - 6 degrees with, minimal - C. In the afternoon 36 degrees often happen thawing weather to temperature up to C.
Aatmospheric precipitation, 10 degrees drop out mainly in the form of a snow, but the steady snow cover is not formed, its thickness by the end of winter does not exceed 5 see Average depth frost penetration a ground of 1 meter.
Number of days  with fogs till 6 months in a year. Often there is a drifting snow. 
Spring on Mangyshlak (March - April) is characterized by contrast of day time and night temperatures of air.
Day time temperatures of air in the beginning of a season from - 1 degree with up to 0 degrees With, night up to - 10 degrees, in the end of a season - in the afternoon up to 22 degrees With, at night from - 10 degrees. 
With up to 10 degrees With. In the spring drops out up to 25 % of annual quantity of deposits in the form of short, but strong rains. Quantity of days with fogs about 4 months, cloudy up to 6 in a month.
Summer on Mangyshlak (May - September) hot and dry with prevalence of cloudless weather. The temperature of air in the afternoon 25 - 28 degrees With (the maximal 43 degrees), at night 11 - 16 degrees With, but in the beginning and in the end of summer at night temperature falls up to C.
Aatmospheric precipitation 5 degrees drop out occasionally in May - June in the form of short-term downpours, sometimes with thunder-storms. From July till September there is a dry-droughty weather.
In separate years during this period of deposits does not drop out absolutely. Relative humidity of air the lowest in a year: 25 - 50 %. 
Autumn on Mangyshlak (October - November) in first half dry and warm, temperature of air in the afternoon up to 20 degrees With, at night 3 - 7 degrees, in second half cool and cloudy temperature of air in the afternoon from 5 degrees with up to - 1 degree With, at night up to - 10 degrees With. Aatmospheric precipitation drop out in the form of drizzles, in second half the snow drops out. In a month for 4 days with fogs.
Winter on Mangyshlak Winds in the autumn and in the winter northern, northeast and east, in the summer and in the spring often happen western and northwest, their prevailing speed 5 - 10 meters a second.
Strong winds with a speed up to 25 meters a second are occasionally observed.
According to a number of climatic indicators, Mangyshlak is divided into 2 parts, the border between which runs approximately at 43 ° N. Sh. (Kashkarov, Korovin, 1936; Climate of Kazakhstan, 1959; Fedoseev, 1962; Egorova, Muzalevskaya, Nigmatullaeva, 1967; Dzhamalbekov, 1974; Klimat, 1982; Borovsky, Dzhamalbekov, 1983; Babaev et al. , 1986).

I.N. Safronova. "Deserts of Mangyshlak".

Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.