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Geoglyph "Ushtogay square".

Adventure Tours in Kazakhstan.
"Nature is a slave for us powerless and silent, but sooner or later" this slave will rise up ", things are going to rise through his death, and we, the destroyers of nature, will go to wander on the dead earth with questions to heaven, but it will be too late..."
Chingiz Aitmatov.
Geoglyphs in Kazakhstan.
Geoglyph "Ushtogai Square" is located at an altitude of 197 meters above sea level, is located in the southern part of the Saryadyr mountain range, in the Karakuduk mountain range stretching from southwest to northeast, 10.8 kilometers east of the village of Ushtogay, 129 kilometers to northwest of the city of Arkalyk, 29.9 kilometers south and slightly east of the village of Aksai, in the northeast of the Amangeldy district in the eastern part of the Kostanay region.
The name Ushtogai (Ushtogai) should be understood precisely as Ushtogai, and not Ush (three). "Ush togai" in translation from the ancient Turkic is translated as a border forest" "Ush" - border, boundary, outskirts.
"Ushtogai square" - is a geometric figure - a square with diagonals, presented from 101 mounds in the form of barrows, approximately the same size. Mounds with a diameter of 11 to 15 meters, a height of about 1 meter.
The length of the eastern side of the square is 279 meters, the length of the western side of the square is 272.5 meters. To the cardinal points, the square is oriented diagonally. Approximately, at a distance of 112 meters from the northwest corner, three rings with a diameter of 19 meters each are located diagonally.
The length of the side of the square is about three hundred meters, the length of the diagonal is more than four hundred meters. Archaeological excavations were carried out on one of the mounds, but no finds were found there.
An odd number of mounds, according to scientists, has a symbolic meaning, because for many peoples the odd and even meant the opposition of male and female, heavenly and earthly. Previously, archaeologists attributed the square to the ritual-sacred objects of the period between the era of the final bronze and the first centuries of our era.
Geographic coordinates of geoglyph Ushtogay square: N50°50'00.66" E65°19'37.84"
Alexander Petrov.