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Grave of Amangeldy Imanov.

Tours Kostanay.
“We are at war with the king, with the royal orders, with our own bays and mullahs, who sold us to the king and shed our blood.”
Amangeldy Imanov.
Description of historical monuments of Kazakhstan.
The burial place of Amangeldy Imanov is located at an altitude of 138 meters above sea level, located in the district park, in the central part of the settlement of Amangeldy the administrative center of the Amangeldy district, in the triangle of streets: Baitursynov, Duysembin and Dulatov, opposite the central library in the Kostanay region.
Above the grave there is a sculptural monument, the author is Abilbek Uzakov, the date of installation of the monument is 1960. The grave of one of the leaders of the national liberation uprising of 1916 Amangeldy Imanov, the grandson of an associate of Kenesary batyr Iman.
The bust is made of bronze, mounted on a rectangular pedestal lined with marble slabs. In the upper part of the pedestal there is an inscription: "Amangeldy Imanov, 1873 - 1919". The lower part of the pedestal has the shape of a trapezoid.
The height of the monument is 2.5 meters, the total height is 4.7 meters. The area around the monument is ennobled, lined with paving stones.
Geographical coordinates of burial site of Amangeldy Imanov: N50°10'51.24" E65°11'36.25"
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