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Aset Naimanbaev Museum.

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The museum of the famous Kazakh poet and composer Aset Naimanbayev is located in the central part of the village, on the north side along Kabanbai batyr street, opposite the local Kazakhtelecom in the Makanshy village in the Urjar region, East Kazakhstan region.
The museum is a branch of the State Reserve-Museum of Abai, the exposition was opened in 1992 for the 125th anniversary of the poet. Unfortunately, the original archival data about Aset Naimanbaev has practically not survived, therefore, when compiling the museum's exposition, the approach used in many literary museums in such cases was used.
In order to show the life and work of the poet, the memoirs of contemporaries, statements of famous literary critics about the poet's work, manuscripts of poems and poems, rare editions of his work are presented here.
One of the most valuable exhibits of the museum is the only photograph of Aset Naimanbaev. In this photo he was taken together with the leaders of Alash Akhmet Baitursynov and Mirzhakyp Dulatov, the photo was taken in the Chinese city of Chuguchak in 1918.
Special attention is paid to the last years of the poet's life, which he spent in China. The museum has carefully collected materials telling about this period of his work - the title pages of the work written and published in China, the memoirs of his contemporaries.
A photograph of the poet's tombstone is presented. The museum's exposition also contains materials about the poet's family and descendants. Of particular value are household items passed on by the descendants of Aset, personal belongings of his children - son Kozhek, daughter Samogey.
There is also information about literary scholars who have studied the life and work of Aset Naimanbaev. Asset Naimanbaev is a famous Kazakh poet and composer, a student of the great Abai, was born in 1867. He began his studies in a madrasah in the area of Koktum, where he studied Muslim reading and writing
.From an early age, Aset was a good singer and practiced improvisation. He traveled a lot in Semirechye. There were legends about Aset's performing skills and extraordinary voice, but he was not only an outstanding singer, but also a wonderful akyn-improviser.
Aset Naimanbayev repeatedly came to the Koyandinsky fair - a kind of place of pilgrimage for all prominent Kazakh singers, akyns, musicians of the past centuries. In Koyandy, he competed in songwriting with the poet Ryszhan.
This aitys in its content and artistic power stands apart in his work. This aitys was highly assessed by M. Auezov and S. Mukanov. Asset Naimanbaev combined the great gift of an akyn-improviser and a wonderful singer, the fame of his voice resounded in Central Kazakhstan, in Semirechye, Tarbagatai and even in Altai.
The great Abai admired the melodies and loved very much to listen to aitys sung by Aset. Abai and Aset Naimanbaev were good friends in life, the latter lived for a long time in the aul of Abai and he dedicated several of his poems to him.
Following his mentor Aset, he turned to Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin". He made his free translation into the Kazakh language, in three different versions: "Tatiana", "Conversation of Onegin and Tatiana", "Eugene Onegin". The creative heritage of A. Naimanbaev is large and varied - poems, aitys, zhoktau, legends, poems.
The poet's poetic lines are notable for their ease, metaphor, and an abundance of precisely found images. He is the author of several poetic works: "Saliha-Samen", "Shakir-Shakirat", "Zhusip-Zylikha", "Three Orphan Girls", "Wooden Horse".
The images and plots of the last two poems were borrowed by the poet from the tales of the Thousand and One Nights. The pinnacle of his composing and singing art is the song "Inzhu-Marzhan", in addition to this, he became the author of many popular songs: "Makpal", "Ulken Ardak", "Kismet", "Kishi Ardak" ("Younger Ardak"), " Garakoz","Gaukar Kyz" and many others.
A visit to the museum of Aset Naimanbaev will allow you to widely and most fully familiarize yourself with the life of the poet, as well as his work, which has left a huge contribution to the national Kazakh culture.
Geographic coordinates of the museum of Aset Naimanbaev in the village of Makanshy: N46 ° 46'40.76 "E82 ° 01'21.15"
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