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Lake Sarykopa.

Sights of nature of Kostanay region.
"Knowledge of other worlds has long been considered the main knowledge"
Lakes of Kostanay region.
Lake Sarykopa (kaz. Sarygopa) is an internal drainage salt lake in the west of the village of the regional center of Amangeldy and in the north-east of the Dzhangeldinsky district of the Kostanay region. The lake is located in the southern part of the Turgai Hollow, at an altitude of 101.2 meters above sea level.
The area of the lake is 184 square kilometers (with a high filling, the lake increases to 336 square kilometers). The length of Lake Sarykopa is 43 kilometers, the largest width, in the northern part, is 16.6 kilometers.
The catchment area is 985 square kilometers, the Saryozen rivers flow into the lake from the north, the Teke Sarysu rivers in the south.
In the southwestern part of the lake there are several shallow lakes - Ushkamys and Kazaly, which are connected by numerous channels with another group of lakes. In the southern part of Lake Sarykopa there are lakes - Ayakkamys, Zharkol, Saryozek and Tatyr.
The lake is not deep, it consists of several streams, which differ in mineralization, some are desalinated, others accumulate salts. The western coast is gentle, the eastern one is up to 5-10 meters in height. Snow food.
These lakes are the recipients of small steppe rivers flowing from the sides of the hollow and the ephemeral spring runoff formed from the melting of snow in the bottom of the hollow itself.
Alexander Petrov. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki