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Borikazgan man site.

Pilgrimage tours in Zhambyl region.
“So, history belongs to the one who guards and honors the past, who with loyalty and love turns his gaze to where he came from, where he became what he is; with this reverent attitude, he seems to pay off the debt of gratitude for the very fact of his existence"
F. Nietzsche.
Archaeological sites of Zhambyl region.
Borikazgan (kaz. Borіgazgan) - the whole settlement has reached beyond our times. And only, preserved from the Schelle period of the early Paleolithic. It is located in the Talas district of the Zhambyl region of Kazakhstan, 8 kilometers south-east of the village of Kyzylaut and 38 kilometers north-east of the town of Karatau.
Excavations were carried out in 1958 by an archaeological group led by Kh. Alpysbaev. Found 442 items. Basically, tools made of black flint: choppings, a sharp three-edged tool, uniforms and others. Similar items have been found in Myanmar, Vietnam, China, India, and East Africa.
The Borikazgan site has the status of a historical and cultural monument of republican significance.
Almaty. "Kazakh encyclopedias" 2004. T. I. Alpysbaev Kh. A. "Monuments of the Lower Paleolithic of South Kazakhstan". Almaty-Ata, 1979.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.