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Legend of Begim-ana.

Ancient legends of Kazakhstan.
“A lot of legends, a lot of people, have come before me. But this is my time”
Usain Bolt.
Legends of Kyzylorda region.
There is no reliable information on the history of the tower's construction. However, there is a legend according to which the building was the abode of the wife of Sanzhar Khan, the ruler of Zhankent. Legend has it that Sanzhar fell in love with the young Begim at first sight, but after the wedding he became very jealous.
The khan forbade Begim not only to leave the palace, but also to reveal his face in the presence of strangers. One day Sanzhar, having gone hunting, found that he had forgotten to take the armor, and sent one of his batyrs back to the palace after them.
There, the batyr saw Begim, who knew that the men had left the palace, and therefore did not cover her face. Struck by her beauty, the man fell unconscious. Sanzhar, not waiting for the batyr's return, hurried to the palace, where he saw him lying unconscious near his wife's chambers.
Deciding that Begim had betrayed him, the khan flew into a rage and cut off his wife's hand and braids. The girl had to escape from the palace and take refuge in a tower near the Aral Sea. Father Begim - Karabura, shocked by the injustice of the khan, began to pray to the Almighty, asking for justice.
Through the prayers of her father, overnight the girl's brush and braids grew anew. However, she never returned to Sanzhar. In 1867 the Russian artist Vasily Vereshchagin wrote down a different version of the legend. According to her, there used to be a large town on the site of the tower.
Here lived a khan who decided to kill his wife, suspecting her of infidelity. However, the khan's father-in-law, who was a sorcerer (bucks), sent snakes to the city, and they devoured the khan along with all his subjects.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.