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Asanas ancient settlement - II.

Jety-asar in Kazakhstan.
"You want to be an author: read the history of the misfortunes of the human race - and if your heart does not shed blood, then leave the pen, or it will depict to us the cold gloom of your soul"
Karamzin N.M.
What to see in Kyzylorda region.
The settlement of Asanas II is located at an altitude of 135 meters above sea level, located 700 meters north of the ancient bed of the Inkardarya, 10 kilometers west of the village of Aidarly, 10.1 kilometers south of the village of Zhetikol, 44.6 kilometers south and a little west of Kyzylorda, 3.4 kilometers southeast of the Aktobe hillock, 141.9 meters above sea level in the Syrdarya district of the Kyzylorda region.
1.3 kilometers northwest of the Asanas settlement there is another settlement, Asanas 2, which, unlike Asanas 1, has a rectangular shape. The fortifications of Asanas 2 are also different - the absence of a defensive moat around the walls.
The walls are poorly preserved and rarely exceed a meter in height. The dimensions of the settlement are 220 x 210 meters; traces of internal development are clearly visible. The finds at the site are much poorer than at the site of Asanas I.
Chronologically, the ceramics collected at the site cover the period from the VIth to the VIIth centuries. until the XVth century. The majority of molded ceramics, richly ornamented with moldings and incisions, which have elements of similarity with Dzhankent, belong to the lower border, and perhaps to an earlier time.
By the VIIth - IXth centuries. One can include fragments of the rims of large vessels (khums) with finger impressions along the side and neck. There are analogues to them in the ceramics of the settlements of the Dzhankent group and among the Afrigid ceramics of Khorezm.
The same period includes ceramics decorated with the champlevé technique, similar to early medieval Khorezm ceramics (Kunya-Uaz, medieval extension, no later than the IXth century) and Semirechi ceramics of the Turkic-Sogdian period (VI - VIIIth centuries).
By the XIth - XIIth centuries. A small amount of glazed ceramics also dates back to the Golden Horde period (Golden Horde - green with a black pattern). Small quantities of late ceramics were also found at the site - yellow paste, dense, thin-walled (not earlier than the XVth century).
Geographical coordinates of settlement of Asanas – II: N44°28'06 E65°38'20
A.A. Tazhekeyev, R.T. Darmenov. "Bulletin of KazNU". 2012. Almaty
Photos by
Alexandr Petrov.