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Turkibasy aulie complex.

Tours to sacred places of South Kazakhstan.
“We are obedient dolls in the hands of the Creator!
This is not said by me for the sake of a word.
The Almighty on strings leads us around the stage
And shoves it into the chest, bringing it to the end"
Omar Khayyam.
Sacred monuments of Turkestan region.
In the southern part of the foothills of Kokbulak and Sartur, in the intermontane valley of the Arys River, between the villages of Azattyk and Kulan in the Tulkubas district of the Turkestan region, there is the Turkibasy aulie complex, which includes: a mosque, a mausoleum and a holy spring.
In the eastern part of the village of Azattyk, next to the Taraz-Shymkent highway, there is a mosque, and 339 meters higher along the slope of an unnamed mountain, 1008 meters above sea level, there is the mausoleum of Turkibasy auli and a holy spring.
From the mosque to the mausoleum there is a concrete path consisting of 689 steps. The erection of an octahedral mausoleum equipped with a blue dome was initiated by Orazaly Sabdenovich Sabden, Kazakh economist, public and political figure, Doctor of Economics.
Legend has it that during one of the battles in this area, the fearless Iftikhar Sheikh, the great-grandfather of Khoja Akhmet Yasavi, was at the head of the army. In one of the battles, the sheikh was seriously wounded, and there was no hope for his recovery.
Feeling that the end was near, he bequeathed to his devoted warriors, pointing to this hill: “Bury me on the top of this ridge. I want to become the leader of the Turks and an obstacle on the way of the enemy coming from the north ”.
So they did, and the hill with his grave was named Turki basy. Many stones were laid by the soldiers over the burial. And three days later, a spring suddenly gushed here. And everyone who drank its cool water became stronger and more enduring.
Very soon, the news of the healing spring spread everywhere, which attracted many pilgrims to this region. People went for healing, prayed here, drank water from the spring, washed themselves. And many felt better.
Geographic coordinates of the mausoleum of Turkibasy aulie and the holy spring: N42 ° 33'14.11 "E70 ° 17'59.74"
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.