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Ancient settlement of Shotkara.

Sacred monuments of Ulytau.
"What is the history of mankind if not a pre-long story about unrealized designs and unfulfilled hopes?"
S. Johnson.
Ancient settlements in Ulytau.
The settlement of Shotkara is located on the left bank of the Kara-Kengir River, 8.2 kilometers northwest of the village of Korganbay and 24 kilometers northeast of the town of Satpayev and 17.2 kilometers southeast of the Kipshakpai mine in the Ulytau district of Ulytau region.
The settlement is located on an elevated area at the confluence of a small stream into the river. It is a sub-rectangular structure formed by a rampart and a moat, at the corners of which small hills are fixed, the towers sagging and oriented at the corners to the cardinal points.
The inner part gradually descends from the ramparts to the center of the settlement. The sides of the settlement along the top of the ramparts have the following dimensions: north-east - 28 meters, south-east - 32 meters, south-west - 28 meters, north-west - 32 meters.
The ditches of the settlement have been preserved on three sides, they are 2.5 to 6.5 meters wide and up to 0.5 meters deep. The ramparts of the settlement at the base are 5 - 8 meters wide, 0.75 - 1.2 meters high. The collapse of the towers is 0.9 - 1.7 meters high, with a diameter of 12 to 14.5 meters.
Based on the data obtained in the course of archaeological research, the settlement of Shotkara dates back to the XIII-XIV centuries.
Geographic coordinates of ancient settlement of Shotkara: N48 ° 04'22.23 "E67 ° 44'10.60"
World Turkic Congress Center for Genealogical Research at the Academy "TURAN-PROFI" Research Institute of Archeology named after K. A. Akishev at ENU. L. Gumilyova. www.tengrifund.ru
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.