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Mausoleum of Barak Satybaldyuly.

Journey to West Kazakhstan.
“When you were riding a horse, seven swans flew in front of you. Seven generations of descendants will know about your greatness"
Architectural monuments of Mangistau.
The mausoleum of Barak Satybaldyuly is located between the Sam and Shonai sands in the eastern part of the Mangistau region, 13.3 kilometers southeast of the Turysh village, 392 meters south and slightly east of the ancient Asu necropolis in the Beineu district of Mangistau.
Barak batyr, a native of the Tabyn clan of the younger zhuz, is buried at the necropolis. In 1993, a domed mausoleum was erected at the burial place of the batyr. The mausoleum is rectangular in plan, made in the local traditional architecture in three tiers.
The inner and outer walls are lined with limestone. The main facade is engraved with the inscription "Barak batyr". On this wall there is an empty space in the form of an arch, on the same wall there is an entrance opening, on the outer side of the arch there are images of vegetative patterns.
The outer side of the ornaments is framed in the form of a "U" -shaped letter. The other 3 walls around the "U" -shaped frame are decorated with geometric patterns. The upper part has three-quarter corner columns.
On the front of the two columns are engraved images of the batyr's weapons (ax, sword, helmet). Chief master - architect M.S. Nurkabaev. Barak Satybaldyuly (1743 - 1840) - batyr, headed the national liberation movement of the Kazakhs of the younger zhuz.
He was born in Ustyurt in the area of sands Sam. At the age of 18, he won a duel with the Torgout batyr Alakobik. In the 70s of the 18th century, Barak batyr, heading a detachment of the Shomishty-Tabyn clans, participated in battles with the Kalmyks on the banks of Edil and Zhaiyk.
In 1785 - 1792 became one of the leaders of the Syrym Datov movement. In the seventies of the 17th century, Barak batyr, having headed a detachment of the Shomishty-Tabyn clans, participated in battles with the Kalmyks on the banks of Edil and Zhaiyk.
Baron O. Igelstrom wrote about Barak's stubbornness in a letter to Empress Catherine II. His military actions against Russian violence allowed the preservation of Kazakh lands on the right bank of the Zhaiyk River.
Hindered the influence of Russia in the west of Kazakhstan, did not allow the construction of military fortresses. Public figure H. Dosmukhambetov, describing the Isatai-Makhambet uprisings and the disobedience of the younger zhuz, noted:
“The goal of the tsarist government was to completely take over the Kazakh people, since Kazakhstan was a direct road to Asia. There could be only one solution - to get rid of the government. The Russian officials still had a desire to master the junior zhuzes through trade."
Barak's son Satybaldyuly Asau and grandson Dowit were also famous warriors. There are many legends and stories about Barak Batyr. When Barak Batyr left to free Aishuak Khan, he left his 13-year-old son Asau and one home.
But the old people of the family did not give rest to the boy, assuring him that he must help his father. To prevent his father from recognizing him, Asau put on his hat and went to battle. The old men told him not to take off his hat, even if his head sweat. Not a single arrow could hit him.
Becket Ata and Barak were good comrades, respected each other. The legend "Beket ata and batyr Barak" contains a story about seven swans. Barak batyr said to Beket: “When you were riding a horse, seven swans flew in front of you. Seven generations of descendants will know about your greatness. "
Then Beckett replied: “Three swans flew in front of you. You will only have three descendants. " Indeed, Barak had only a son, Asau, and a grandson, Dowit. The Kazakhs had several batyrs named Barak. And they all remained in the memory of the people as liberators and victors of enemies in bloody battles.
The necropolis was first registered with the state in 1993 with a local significance category.
Geographic coordinates of the Barak Satybaldyuly mausoleum: N45 ° 23'19.19 "E56 ° 15'10.24":
Authority and photos:
Reserve documents. Encyclopedia "Mangystau". "Aral-Caspian aralygy tarikhi-meni eskertkishterindegi arab graphics mәtinderdin anyyқtamalygy", volume 1, N.A. Kulbaev, Almaty-2015