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Ancient settlement Zhalpaktobe.

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Hans Georg Gadamer.
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Medieval ancient settlement Zhalpaktobe is located 19.2 kilometers north-west of Shaulder village, 10 kilometers north-west of Otrar settlement and 10.8 kilometers east and slightly north of Mayakum village in Otrar district of Turkestan region.
The medieval settlement Zhalpaktobe of the VIth - XIIIth centuries is a two-tiered hillock, oriented by the cardinal directions, 240 meters in size at the base from west to east, and 200 meters from north to south. At the corners, remains of towers were found protruding beyond the line of the rampart with a height of 7.5 to 10 meters.
The towers are interconnected by 20 meters wide bridges. The eastern, more elevated part of the hillock has the shape of a trapezoidal platform measuring 100 × 90 meters, 6 meters high. To the west, there is a small platform 140 × 100 meters in size and 4 meters in height.
The settlement is interesting for the preservation of complex fortifications. In 1948, the settlement of Zhalpaktobe was surveyed by YuKAE under the leadership of A.N. Bernshtam. A.N. In 1966 - 1970 excavations were carried out by the Otyrar archaeological expedition (headed by K. Akishev).
Geographic coordinates of ancient settlement of Zhalpaktobe: N42 ° 52'50 E68 ° 11'08
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.