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Akshora mausoleum.

Tours in Mangyshlak.
“On the dead Mangyshlak land, where only stones can live, traces of high culture have been preserved. Remains of the flourishing era of Mangyshlak have been preserved in fairly frequent ruins of stone fortifications, buildings, grave monuments and deep wells lined with hewn stone"
P. S. Saveliev.
Trip from Beyneu to Fort-Shevchknko.
The Akshora mausoleum is located on a small necropolis of Akshura, 47.8 kilometers to the east and a little to the south and 12.3 kilometers to the south-west of the Sultan-epe underground mosque in the Tupkaragan district of the Mangistau region.
The Akshora mausoleum belongs to the portal-hipped roof type, has common stylistic features with the Cosmola mausoleum, in particular, the walls are laid in the same way - by alternating vertical and horizontal slabs.
On the main facade there is a pointed arch of the portal in the wall array. It has no constructive meaning and is only a decorative element, which is typical for Central Asian architecture. Taking into account the stylistic commonality of this monument and the name of the mausoleum, which means the own name of the person buried here, which is widespread among the Kipchak-Nogai tribes, the Akshor mausoleum can be dated within the XIV - XVI centuries.
Geographic coordinates of the Akshor mausoleum: N44 ° 26'18.36 "E50 ° 51'41.76"
Photos by
Natalia Zaderetskaya. Aktau town