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Mausoleum of Onalbek ata.

Interesting travels in Kazakhstan.
"Let the heart feed on love,
The body will be covered with the garment of happiness.
I want to rise by the power of love
And descend like a bird on a twig of consciousness"
Hikmet Khoja Ahmed Yasaui.
Travel by car across Kazakhstan.
The Onalbek ata mausoleum was located on the Bolgasynmola necropolis, 185 meters on the left (western) bank of the Bolgasyn stream, 6.2 kilometers south-west of the Tebez salt marsh lake, 11.6 kilometers south-west of the Taldykum village, 35 , 5 kilometers north of the administrative center of the Shalkar region - the village of Shalkar in the southeastern part of the Aktobe region.
At the present time, its architectural and topographic appearance of the Balgasyn necropolis is determined by the domed mausoleum of Onalbek ata made of burnt bricks. According to local legends, the mausoleum was built in the late XIX - early XX centuries and at this time the building has a satisfactory preservation.
Around the mausoleum there are “stone fences” - sub-square burial structures, laid out of stones, these structures date back to the XIXth century on the territory of Kazakhstan. In the area of the Onalbek-ata mausoleum, closer to the edge of the river terrace, characteristic depressions with an abundance of ash and coals inside were recorded.
It is possible that these are traces of kilns for baking bricks and glazed facings.
Geographic coordinates of the Onalbek Ata mausoleum: N48 ° 09'44.63 "E59 ° 38'14.46"
E.A. Smagulov, A. Bermagambetov. "Archaeological exploration in the Shalkar district of the Aktobe region." 2005.