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Ridge Muzbel.

Travel to Mangystau.
"When a person is lonely, he begins to look closely at nature and love it"
Erich Maria Remarque.
Unique natural sights of Mangyshlak peninsula.
The Muzbel ridge is located on the Ustyurt plateau and stretches from south-east to north-west for 72 kilometers. The northwestern end of the ridge adjoins the western part of the Western cliff of the Ustyurt Plateau, where the highest point of the ridge is located - 340.2 meters above sea level.
The Muzbel ridge is located north of the Karyngurly valley in the Karakiyan region in the south-east of the Mangistau region. The Muzbel ridge is a hilly plain with an average height of 200 meters above sea level to the north, the ridge rises, to the southeast it decreases.
The dump is composed of a stratum of clays, sandstones and limestones.
Geographic coordinates of Muzbel mountain range: N42 ° 55'02.17 "E55 ° 14'56.22"
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.