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Mazar Dabey Begenuly.

Tours and excursions in Karaganda region.
“Do not kill the one who found a dwelling place in the sea. Do not make the living flesh of the four-legged food. It is not necessary to water the beauties with animal milk: How will the robbed udder comfort the child? Do not attack a bird by surprise, do not rob a winged one: Violence is a grave sin that threatens with retribution"
Maarri al-Maarri.
Summer horse and riding tours in Kazakhstan.
Mazar Dabeya Begenuly (Zherapay-Maikyn) is located 176 meters from the left (western) bank of the Kara-Turgai River, on the outskirts of the northern part of the village of Korgasyn in the Ulytau district of the Ulytau region.
Under the vaults of this mazar, built in the 90s of the XIX century, rests a man named Dabey Begenuly. According to other historical sources, the mausoleum was called Zherapay-Maikyn, however, this name rather indicates with the name of the person who erected the mausoleum, apparently one of the descendants of Dabey Begenuly.
Mazar was renovated in 2011.
Geographic coordinates of Mazar Dabey Begenuly in village of Korgasyn: N49 ° 13'03.28 "E66 ° 39'26.16"
Authority and photos:
Vitaly Shuptar. www.guide.kz
Alexander Petrov.