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Mausoleum of Yerden.

Tours on archaeological site of Ulytau.
“He is not a man and not a scientist who does not keep the chronicles of the past in his heart. But the one who comprehended the history of the departed, he added many lives to his”.
Shihab ad-din an-Nasawi.
History of Ulytau architecture.
Erden Mausoleum is located at an altitude of 489 meters above sea level, in central part of ancient Erden settlement, 238 meters from right bank of drying bed of Karaganda River, 6.5 kilometers southwest of mouth of Karaganda into Kara-Kengir River, 32.9 kilometers to east and slightly south of village of Ulytau, 40 kilometers to northwest of village of Malshybay, 54 kilometers to southwest of village of Algabas (Betbulak) in Ulytau district of region of same name.
The mausoleum has eight corners, the outer and inner parts are made of polished red ceramics, the mausoleum has a single non-barrier portal filled with raw ceramics. According to the assumption of local ethnographers, the mausoleum was built by Serali leather.
The octagonal, domed mausoleum was built of baked bricks. From a young age, Erden Sandybaiuly (1808 - 1863) was known as a batyr and an orator. Father Sandybai biy is from the Bagynaly clan. Since childhood, Erden has been involved in management affairs.
For many years he held the positions of the volost ruler and senior sultan. In 1855 he took part in the inauguration of Emperor Alexander II as a delegate. He was in good diplomatic relations, both with the tsarist government and with the leader of the national liberation uprising Kenesary Khan.
Erden Sandybaiuly also participated in the withdrawal of the Kokand troops from Shu, Turkestan. Shortly after being appointed senior sultan, he died at the age of 54. Several works of Orynbai, Baltekeuly and Mukan akyns were dedicated to the courage and socio-political role of Yerden.
Geographic coordinates of Yerden mausoleum: N48 ° 36'47 E67 ° 26'45
Alexander Petrov.
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