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Ancient settlement of Pil kala (Fir kala).

Pilgrimage tours to Karakalpakstan.
“There is no peace except in agreement,
There is no intimacy except in truth,
No diligent behavior except forgiveness,
There is no friendship except in fidelity."
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The Pil Kala settlement is located on a hill 100.7 meters above sea level in the northwestern part of the city of Beruni in the Beruniy region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The ancient settlement of Pil Kala, dates back to the IVth -IInd centuries BC and the VIIth - VIIIth centuries AD.
Frequently placed semi-oval shooting towers are located along its walls. Ceramics from the times of the Afrigid dynasty were found in the site. In the southwestern tower, a burial was revealed in which the deceased lay with his head to the northwest.
On the eastern side of the burial, there were three diamond-shaped arrowheads of the XIIIth - XIVth centuries. There is another name for the monument - "Firkala", apparently associated with the name of the founders of the Firg dynasty.
In the Türkic dialect, the sound "f" easily passed into "p", and "r" - into "l", and the city received a more understandable name "Pil kala".
Geographic coordinates of the ancient settlement of Pil kala (Fir kala): N41 ° 42'20.66 "E60 ° '11.11"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.