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Moraine lake Karakiya.
Nature and geography of Kolsai Kolderi park.
"To understand water is to understand the universe."
Masaru Emoto.
Landscape natural monuments of Kolsai Kolderi park.
Moraine, flowing lake Karakiya is located at an altitude of 2800 meters above sea level, located in the valley of the Karakiya River on the northern slope of the Kungei Alatau ridge on the territory of the Kolsai Kolderi natural park, in the Kegen district of the Almaty region.
The lake has an unusual pear-like shape, the northern side looks like a bottleneck. The lake is 443 meters long and 144 meters wide in the central part. The perimeter of the lake is 753 meters, the area of the lake is 30348 square meters.
The lake was formed due to a landslide that descended from the eastern slope of the gorge and an ancient moraine stretching from the southeast to the northwest, which almost blocked the gorge, joining with the landslide.
A moraine lake in the bed of the Karakiya River is located 1.2 kilometers to the southwest.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Karakiya: N42 ° 56'34.55 "E77 ° 50'33.49"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.