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Lake Chon-Uryukty.

Lakes, rivers of Kolsai Kolderi park.

"We know the value of water only when the well dries up."

Benjamin Franklin.

Sights of Kolsay Kolderi park.

The flowing, dammed lake Chon-Uryukty is located at an altitude of 2163 meters above sea level, located on the northern slope of the Kungey Alatau ridge in the gorge of the Chon-Uryukty river, 5 kilometers from the mouth in the Kegen district of the Almaty region.
The lake was formed due to the left-bank collapse of the slope, which has a length of 1.5 kilometers from the western ridge of the gorge. The length of the lake is 494 meters, the lake is stretched along the gorge from southwest to northeast and has a width of 71 meters in the central part.
The perimeter of the lake is 1125 meters, the area is 36387 square meters. There are no trees on the western shore of the lake due to the talus slope. The lake reflects the spruce forest in the southeastern part of the lake, which covers the shores of the lake.
Geographic coordinates of Chon-Uryukty lake: N42 ° 59'09.15 "E77 ° 56'11.72"

Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.