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Lake North Karkuldek.

Tours to sights of Dzungarian Alatau.
"Nature obeys only those who themselves obey it."
Francis Bacon.
Most beautiful lakes of Dzungarian Alatau.
The moraine, flowing lake North Karkuldek is located at an altitude of 3336 meters above sea level, located in the upper reaches of the western tributary of the river of the same name, on the southern slope of the Dzhungar Alatau ridge in the Eskeldin district of the Almaty region.
The area of the North Karkuldek lake is 23780 meters square, the perimeter of the lake is 667 meters. The length of the lake from east to west is 245 meters, the width in the western part of the lake is 120 meters. To the west and northwest of the lake is the Northern Karkuldek glacier, 1.4 kilometers long.
The area of the glacier is 0.2 square kilometers, the perimeter is 3.16 kilometers. The western shore of the lake is in close contact with the eastern part of the glacier. The lake is located in a glacial cirque, which is closed by a moraine in the upper part; this is an amphitheater-shaped basin that closes the upper end of the glacial valley.
To the north-west of the lake, in addition to a small glacier, on the slopes there are snow, firn and individual ice masses that feed the lake. On the eastern side of the lake, a rocky ridge stretches 4 kilometers long, which in the upper part closes the peak with a height of 4057 meters above sea level.
North-west of the lake, at a distance of 1.8 kilometers, there is an unnamed peak 4057 meters above sea level, which closes the northern part of the circus. 545 meters south-west of North Karkuldek Lake, behind a rocky ridge, is Karkuldek Lake, located at an altitude of 3540 meters above sea level.
1200 meters to the south-west of the North Karkuldek Lake is the Sredny Karkuldek Lake, located at an altitude of 3453 meters above sea level. In 1900 meters to the south-west of the North Karkuldek Lake is the Lower Karkuldek Lake at an altitude of 3352 meters above sea level.
300 kilometers to the south and a little east of Lake North Karkuldek is Lake South Karkuldek, located at an altitude of 3137 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of North Karkuldek Lake: N44°55'04.04" E79°38'30.16"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Sergei Mikhalkov, Almaty town.