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Landscape-archaeological complex "Kumai".

Stone balbals in Kazakhstan.
«Numerous Kipchaks then
They placed yurts in a row,
They lived peacefully in their parking lot,
This is what the Kipchak family was famous for.”
"Koblandy-batyr". Kazakh folk epic.
Archaeological monuments of Ereymentau region.
The landscape-archaeological complex "Kumai" is located at an altitude of 273 to 323 meters above sea level, located on the territory of the natural national park Buiratu, 1.5 kilometers northwest of the village of Karagaily, in the northeast of the Sokolinye mountains valley, in Ereymentau area in the northeast of the Akmola region.
Stone balbals - statues carved from granite, installed on the eastern side of the ritual fences; they occupy a special place in the space of the Kedey River valley. On the territory of the Kumai landscape-archaeological complex, monuments of several eras have been preserved - the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, the Hunnic, the classical Turkic and ethnographic periods of development.
The most significant monuments of the Kumai Park are stone sculptures (balbals) dating back to the 1st - 6th centuries AD. period of the Western Turkic Kaganate.
Burials and monuments of the Bronze Age; Karagaily 7, Karagaily 2, Karagaily 3, Karagaily 1, archeological monument Kos Batyr. Landscape-archaeological complex, ancient settlements, burial grounds, religious and astronomical structures, remains of wintering quarters, unique Turkic stone sculptures.
Geographic coordinates of Kumai Landscape and Archaeological Park: N51°43'19.14 E72°40'30.19"
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.