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Memorial Museum of K. Satpayev in Bayanaul.

History of museums in Kazakhstan.
“I would compare our steppe to a tablecloth laid with all kinds of dishes, but not everywhere equally thickly, unevenly. Let's say, in one place there are all sorts of sweets - apricots, raisins and the like, and in another - salt and a few pieces of kurt...!"
Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev.
Museums of Bayanaul district.
Bayanaul Memorial Museum of Academician K.I. Satpayev is located at an altitude of 466 meters above sea level, located on the north side of Satpayev Street, 38, 300 meters east and slightly south of the district cultural center, 355 meters east and slightly north of the Musa Shormanov mosque, in the village of Bayanaul, Bayanaulsky district of Pavlodar region.
Bayanaul Memorial Museum of Academician K.I. Satpayev is a spiritual center with valuable exhibits that are in tune with the independence of the country. The Museum of Academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev, who formed his own history of development, gives an overview of his life from childhood to becoming a famous person, about discovered ore deposits and the scientific works of the scientist.
The exhibition hall, where the personal belongings of academician and geologist Kanysh Satpayev are displayed, not only impresses visitors but also implements socially significant cultural projects to modernize the museum.
The initiators of the opening of the memorial museum of an outstanding scientist, public figure, founder and First President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of state and Lenin prizes, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR, our fellow countryman K.I. Satpayev were members of the construction team as Gadilbek Shalahmetov, Galym Abilseitov, Syrym Bokeikhanov, Yuri Kerdod, Khoze Kazykhanov, Pavel Atrushkevich students of the Almaty Polytechnic Institute, who spent a working semester in Bayanaul in the summer of 1964.
Collected exhibits and information about K.I. Satpayev were placed in one of the rooms of the House of Culture in Bayanaul (now the Musa Murza Mosque - at that time the district House of Culture was located), and then the kindergarten buildings were transferred to the museum.
The house in which the Museum was located was a wooden, four-room building adapted for a museum. The museum had three exhibition halls; some of the exhibits were placed in the corridor due to lack of space.
In 1968, the museum’s funds contained personal belongings of K.I. Satpayev (fountain pen, wallet, razor, coat, cap), the scientist’s works, documents telling about his scientific and social life, etc. At the end of 1967, 715 exhibits were collected for the museum’s fund, of which 465 exhibits were on display.
The museum staff in 1967 consisted of 4 people, of which 1 was a researcher. Gradually, taking into account the increase in museum exhibits, the growing importance in the spiritual education of youth, in accordance with the decision of the Pavlodar Regional Council, the Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev Museum was officially opened and is functioning.
Teacher Kadyrbek Kazhybekov was appointed the first director of the museum. Two years later, in connection with K. Kazhybekov’s transfer to another job, he was replaced by Gaziz Kutbekov, a year later Toleutai Abzhanovich Abildin was appointed, who worked fruitfully for more than 20 years; since 1991, Serik Mazanovich Musin headed this museum.
In the 1970s, with the direct assistance of Darzhumanov Kanat Bolatovich, who worked as the first secretary of the Bayanaul district party committee, the building of a modern museum was built. By 1972, the total area of the museum increased to 78 square meters. m.
The museum's fund consisted of 1189 exhibits. Work was carried out to reconstruct the museum and construct a new building. From January 1, 1973, it operated as an independent institution, and already that year the museum was visited by more than 6,000 people.
In 1989, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician K.I. Satpayev, a new beautiful two-story building in the Central Asian style, a building for administration workers, a fund storage room and a cinema hall with 60 seats were added to the one-story museum.
A monument to Academician K.I. was erected in front of the museum building. Satpayev. Two dioramas were prepared: a manganese mine opened during the war in the Zhezkazgan region under the leadership of academician K.I. Satpayev, and a model of the Akkelinsky volost primary school, where the future academician studied literacy.
Currently, the museum is located in a standard building with an area of 509.9 square meters, where a major renovation and reconstruction was carried out in 2013. The museum has two exhibition halls, as well as a conference hall with 70 seats with modern equipment.
An additional room “Perpetuation of the name of academician Kanysh Satpayev” was opened on the second floor of the building. In total, the museum’s funds include 4,946 exhibits, of which 2,279 belong to the main fund.
The Bayanaul Memorial Museum of Academician K.I. Satpayev includes the memorial museum of the poet, philosopher Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev, located in the Eskeldy tract, Zhanazhol rural district and the memorial museum of the poet Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov, located in the village of Toraigyr.
Bayanaul Memorial Museum of Academician K.I. Satpayev, located in the center of the village of Bayanaul, is one of the attractions of the regional center.
Hall of exhibits in memorial museum of K.I. Satpayeva.
Two exhibition halls show the place of birth, childhood, youth, years of study, formation and the path traveled by K.I. Satpayev from an ordinary engineer to the President of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
The scientist’s birthplace is Airyk, parents, the model of the first village school, years of study at the Pavlodar Russian-Kazakh School, at the Semipalatinsk Teachers’ Seminary. Family of the scientist, gifts given for the 50th anniversary of Kanysh Satpayev: ceramic vases, tapestry, coffee maker, ceramic saucer, table of chemical elements, dombra.
The collections of mineral stones are unique in beauty. Mineral collections of Kanysh Satpayev and his wife, geologist Taisiya Satpayeva. The exhibition recreates the interior of K. Satpayev’s home office. An oak desk, a chair, and a desk set made of onyx stone are valuable exhibits of the museum that convey the spirit of this time.
Kanysh Satpayev's things: Coat, three-piece suit, hats, shoes.
Address of memorial museum of academician K.I. Satpayeva.
140300, Pavlodar region, Bayanaul district, Bayanaul village, Satpayev street, 38
Opening hours: from 09:00 to 18:30 (7 days a week), lunch from 13:00 to 14:30
Phone: 8 (71840) 91 344. Museum email: bayan-muzei@mail.ru
Geographical coordinates of memorial museum of academician K. Satpayeva: N50°47'34 E75°42'27
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