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Memorial Museum of S. Toraigyrov.

Museums of Pavlodar region.
“And there, between the trunks, in the sparse forest,
Where there is so much light all around,
If we could wander with you,
Admiring every flower,
And would you berries for me
Vomited in the calm of the forest,
And your laughter, flashing in the brilliance of the day,
It would ring silver!”
Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov.
Visiting museums in Pavlodar region.
The S. Toraigyrov Memorial Museum is located at an altitude of 385 meters above sea level, located in the northern part of the Bayanaul Mountains, in the buffer zone of the park of the same name, in the central part of the village of Toraigyr along Shona bi street, Bayanaul district in the southern part of the Pavlodar region.
History of memorial museum of S. Toraigyrov.
The S. Toraigyrov Museum was opened in 1965 on a voluntary basis in a secondary school, then it was transferred to one of the rooms of the state farm building. From 1970 to 1992, the museum was located in the building of the rural House of Culture. In connection with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth, a new standard museum building was built in 1993.
The museum was opened by a resident of our village, teacher Omarov Amangeldy Omarovich.
S. Toraigyrov Memorial Museum has 9 sections of permanent exhibition:
"The poet's childhood and youth".
"In my native village".
“Years of study at the Bayanaul madrasah”.
"In the city of Troitsk".
“The first steps of the poet’s creativity”.
"The Poet's Legacy".
"The Poet's Relatives".
"Noble fellow countrymen."
1. Akynnyn bala kezi.
2. Uly Zholdyn Bastauy.
3. Akynnyn tuystars.
. Troitsk keseni.
5. Belim shynyn orleu.
6. Alash Urany.
7. Songy zhyldary.
8. Zamanany gaped perzenteri.
9. Akynnyn zamandastars.
10. Er Kadirin ate beer.
The museum's collection contains about 500 exhibits, which present photographs of the poet, step by step the formative years of his life, his works, and household items of the poet's era.The museum has 339 exhibits, including household items of that time. More than 1.0 thousand people visit the museum every year.
Geographic coordinates of memorial museum of S. Toraigyrov: N50°51'53 E75°37'51
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