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Kaaba at well Karasan ata.

Sights near Khorasan Ata mausoleum.
“I swear by the odds and the odds,
I swear by the sword and the right battle,
I swear by the morning star
I swear by the evening prayer:
No, I didn't leave you.
Who's in the shade of peace?
I introduced, loving his head,
And hid it from watchful persecution?”
A. Pushkin. "Imitations of the Koran."
Kaaba in Kyzylorda region.
Kaaba structure is located in western part of ancient cemetery, at an altitude of 159 meters above sea level, located on edge of eastern part of Kyzylkum desert, 22.6 kilometers southeast of village of Zhanaryk and 14.9 kilometers south of village of Baykenzhe, in 32.2 kilometers southwest of village of Zhanakorgan in Zhanakorgan district of Kyzylorda region.
150 meters west of the Khorasan Ata mausoleum is one of the most unusual structures in the country - a copy of the Kaaba, sacred to all Muslims. Its origin and purpose are a mystery. One of the legends attributes the honor of the appearance of this structure to the son of Khorasan ata - Usein.
As a true Muslim, Khorasan Ata read prayer five times a day. But during the morning prayer he disappeared. Usein could not understand where his father was going, and one day he asked him about it. Khorasan Ata answered his son that he reads one part of the prayer in Mecca in the house of Allah.
Then Usein promised his father to move the Kaaba. Khorasan Ata was surprised by this statement from his son, but decided to test it. And one day he saw the shadow of the Kaaba hovering over the area. Then he asked his son to take the shrine to its place and drew its shadow.
This place was surrounded by stones so that no one could accidentally step on it. There a copy of the Kaaba was built, inside of which lie either the remains of walls made using clay, or the remains of some structure. Nobody knows what they are for. But it is known that they have been there since the VIIIth century.
Legend of Kaaba built by son of Khorasan ata – Useyin.
There is a legend that Kooba was built by the son of Khorasan ata. Every Friday he watched as his father flew to Mecca from the paradise island of Totykus on his winged horse Akmaya. And he decided to transfer the Kaaba to his native land.
Which is what I asked my father for permission to do. Khorasan ata decided to test the capabilities of his son and gave his consent. And one morning he saw the sacred Kaaba floating in the air. Where her shadow fell, a small copy of it was built.
Geographic coordinates of Kaaba structure: N43°45'31 E66°54'40
Authority and photos:
Kyzylorda regional online newspaper.
https://oldru.kyzylorda-news.kz/news/rukhanizhangyru/21327-horasan-ata-mesto-gde-ispolnyayutsya-zhelaniya.html -
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.