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Bazar-asar ancient settlement.

List monuments of Kazakhstan.
"History is a novel that people believe in, but a novel is a story that they don't believe in."
M. Safir.
Drive to ancient settlement Bazar-asar from Zhosaly.
The settlement Bazar-asar is located on a small hill 103 meters above sea level in the Karmakchinsky district of the Kyzylorda region, 19.6 kilometers north-west of the village of Turmaganbet and 51.7 kilometers south-west of the regional center of Zhosaly.
The site of a sub-rectangular (closer to rhombic) form, with an area of 5.5 hectares, has the same fortress walls with loopholes and twenty protruding oval-shaped towers, made up of rows of pakhsov blocks (without rows of raw bricks).
There were no buildings inside the fortress walls. Ceramic and other finds recorded at the fortress walls as a result of reconnaissance work of the Khorezm complex archaeological expedition led by L.M. Levina, make it possible to date a fortification of this type from the VIth - VIIIth centuries. AD
Geographic coordinates of the Bazar-asar settlement: N45 ° 06'41.46 "E63 ° 42'03.47"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.