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Auezov museum in Almaty.

Memorial museums of Kazakhstan.

"The Great Steppe itself speaks through Auezov. He showed the great reading world a whole gallery of expressive portraits, a grandiose clash of worlds and passions, the sharpest moments of awareness of the truth and justice of their actions by his heroes, be it the truth of the proud loner Bakhtygul from the story "Karash Karash" or the truth and fury of the great warrior Khankene. When it comes to the Kazakhs, after Auezov there is no need to prove whether they are a large or a small nation. The Great Steppe itself speaks through Auezov. He showed his people with their singing winged soul as the complete embodiment of the steppe, boldly spreading over half a continent, easily merging with the sky of their native land. A great personality, Auezov proved with his work that the original creativity of the Kazakhs cannot be separated from the history of all mankind. And if the great Russian poet said about Peter the Great that he “cut a window to Europe,” then about Abai and Auezov we can say that with their powerful genius they literally “cut a window” from the steppe to the wide world, connecting the Kazakhs with all of humanity.”

Abdizhamil Nurpeisov.

Excursion to Auezov Museum in Almaty.

Mukhtar Auezov Museum is located at an altitude of 861 meters above sea level, located at 187 Tulebaev Street, in western part of M. Auezov house in square of Abay, Nazarbayev, Kurmangazy and Tulebava streets, in Medeu district of Almaty. 
The museum building was rebuilt between 1995 and 1997 according to the project of architect S. Mataybekov. The reconstruction was associated with the need to expand the museum's exposition. In 1997, a new museum exposition was prepared and opened for the 100th anniversary of M.O. Auezov (author - artist Berdaly Kusherbayev).
A new exhibition hall appeared, where there are historical photographs and books. There are also other artifacts that were used by Mukhtar Auezov during his lifetime. The 11 halls of the museum present an exposition dedicated to the life and work of Auezov.
This house and the richest collection, which became the basis of the exhibition and includes the manuscript heritage and personal library, were donated to the Institute of Literature and Art by the writer's wife, Valentina Nikolaevna Auezova.
1997 was declared, by decision of UNESCO, the year of Mukhtar Auezov and was included in the list of world memorable dates. In connection with the upcoming centenary of the writer, in 1994 the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a resolution on renaming the museum into the Scientific and Cultural Center "Auezov House" and carrying out restoration and construction work.
Complex and painstaking work continued for four years. As a result, a complete reconstruction and restoration of the museum was carried out, additional premises for the archive and unique manuscript collection were built. On September 27, 1997, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev opened the renovated museum complex.
The opening was attended by Chingiz Aitmatov, David Kugultinov, Polad Bul-Bul oglu and many literary and artistic figures who took part in the anniversary events in honor of the 100th anniversary of M.O. Auezov. The main direction of the research work of the department-museum under the leadership of D. Kunaev is the collection, study, publication and promotion of the creative heritage of M.O. Auezov in the relationship between Kazakh and world literature.
Address of Mukhtar Auezov House Museum:
187 Tulebaev St. (corner of Abay Avenue). Tel.: 8 (727) 261 22 27.
Weekends: Sunday and Monday.
Working hours: 10.00 - 17.00.
Geographic coordinates of museum of Mukhtar Auezov: N43°14'35 E76°56'56

Bust of M. Auezov in front of the museum entrance.Museum building in the western part of the writer's house-museum.Model of the first production of M. Auezov's tragedy "Enlik-Kebek" in 1917. Two paired yurts are shown in section. Paper, watercolor, cardboard. Artist A.I. Nenashev. 1973.Awards of M.O. Auezov.In 1930, Mukhtar Auezov was arrested as involved in the organization of Kazakh writers "Alka", he spent 2.5 years in prison.One of the unique exhibits of this hall is the Shakarim stone. It says "... in 1894 I dug the Shakarim well."Student notebook of M. Auezov.One of the halls of the M. Auezov Museum.


Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.