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Tour from Astana to Barnaul.

Travel by machines across Russia and Kazakhstan.
«Life - travel which is better to make lonely»
Short description of tour route from Russia to Kazakhstan:
Kurgan - border crossing checkpoint «Petukhaovo/Zhana-Zhol” (Russian-Kazakhstan check point) - settlement Mamlyutka - town Kokshetau - town Chuchinsk - town Astana - town Temirtau - town Karaganda - Spassk memorial - town Balkhash – lake Balkhash - settlement Saryshagan - Almaty - settlement Saryozek - town Taldykorgan - settlement Sarkand - settlement Usharal - settlement Ayaguz - station Zhangiztobe - settlement Kalbatau (Georgievka) - Semei (Semipalatinsk) - train station Aul – border crossing checkpoint “Aul\Veseloyarsk» - Barnaul.
Distance of route: 3 047 km.
Season: April - September.
Best time for travel: May, June, July, August.
Duratuon of tour: 11 days, 10 nights.
The general distance from border crossing checkpoint «Zhana-Zhol» (Russian-Kazakhstan check post between town Kurgan (Russia) and town Petropavlovsk (Kazakhstan) and border crossing checkpoint «Aul» (Kazakh-Russia check post between town Semei (Kazakhstan) and town Barnaul (Russia) – 3 047 km (distance is specified only on territory of Kazakhsan).
Detailed program day by day from Kazakhstan to Russia:
Tours on jeeps in Kazakhstan.
1 Day. Kurgan - border crossing checkpoint «Petukhovo\Zhana-Zhol” - settlement Mamlyutka - settlement Peterfeld – town Petropavlovsk (69 km).
Arrival from Kurgan. Passing of formalities of the Russian and Kazakhstan customs and boundary service. Meeting on "Zhana-Zjol" border crossing checkpoint. Registration of insurance policies on vehicles. Transfer: "Zhana-Zhol" check point - settlement Mamlyutka - settlement Peterfeld - town Petropavlovsk (69 km). Arrival in Petropavlovsk, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
2 Day. Petropavlovsk.
Excursion across Petropavlovsk, visiting of regional history-study museum, museum of the fine arts, visiting of an orthodox cathedral of apostles Peter and Pavel, town mosque Kyzyl-Zhar and mosques of Din-Mukhammad, visiting of Catholic church Saint of Heart of Jesus, visiting of park of the Victory, visiting of the area before building mayor's office, visiting of sculptural composition «Abay and Pushkin», height of granite monument of 7 meters of 40 centimeters, walk along the street with ancient one-storeyed building. Sightseeing tour on city. Overnight in the hotel.
3 Day. Petropavlovsk - town Kokshetau - town Chuchinsk - Astana (503 km).
Breakfast. On this share of way in all settlements there are gasoline stations. From the small town of Chuchinsk up to Astana our way will pass on Kazakhstan Autobahn. rrival in Astana, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight in hotel.
4 Day. Astana.
Breakfast. Excursion on town visiting: new national museum of history, visiting of the main symbol of Astana - complex «Baiterek» (105 meters in height), located on the area of Independence from height of tower «Baiterek» open panorama of an administrative centre of town, presidential palace up to shopping center-entertaining "Khan Shatyr", quay of Irtysh, visiting of park-map of the reduced spears of historical and natural monuments of Kazakhstan open-air “Atameken”, visiting of the main mosque of town «Nur-Astana», visiting of cathedral in honour of Uspeniy all-holy the mother of God , monument to victims of reprisals, visiting of an oceanarium in the entertaining center "Duman". Overnight in the hotel.
5 Day. Astana - town Temirtau - town Karaganda - Spassk memorial - town Balkhash (585 km).
Breakfast in hotel. On this share of way in all settlements there are gasoline stations. Through 22 kilometers after Karaganda to the left of road there is Spassk memorial of memory of victims of political reprisals, walk on memorial. Arrival in the town Balkhash, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight in hotel.
6 Day. Balkhash – settlement Saryshagan - Almaty (620 km).
Breakfast. On this share of way in all settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival in Almaty, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
7 Day. Almaty.
Breakfast. Excursion across Almaty. Visiting of national historical museum, visiting of "Gold" room Saka, in this museum is gold Sakas which have been found at excavation of burial place of the Gold person on Issyk burial mound. After visiting museum of history visiting of the area of Republic on which is stela Independence of Republic Kazakhstan with stone sculpture of the Gold person.
Visiting of park 28 guardsmen-panfilovsev, visiting Cathedral of the Ascension of architect Andrey Zenkova, visiting of memorial of Glory and eternal fire, visiting of museum of musical instruments. Lunch at local restaurant. Excursion on mountain the Kok-Tobe. Transfer to Cable way town station «Kok-Tobe» at palace of Republic. Rise on Cable way on mountain the Kok-Tobe of 1130 meters above sea level 1,7 km, 5 minutes. Walk in vicinities of mountain the Kok-Tobe.
From viewing platform which is, on northwest part of mountain the kind on town Almaty from height of the bird's flight opens. Visiting on mountain the Kok-Tobe: zoo (birds of prey, pheasants, peacocks, deers, llamas both other animals and birds), monument to group "The Beatles", shop of souvenirs, art gallery. Descent from mountain the Kok-Tobe on bus station. Transfer to natural boundary Medeo, walk to vicinities of skating rink Medeo. Returning in city. Sightseeing tour on city. Overnight in hotel.
8 Day. Almaty - town Kapshagaj - town Taldy-Korgan - settlement Kyzylagash - settlement Zhansugurov - settlement Sarkand (430 km).
Breakfast. On this share of way in all large settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival in Sarkand, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
9 Day. Sarkand - settlement Koylyk - settlement Usharal - settlement Ayaguz (363 km).
Breakfast. On this share of way in all large settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival in Ayaguz, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
10 Day. Ayaguz - train station Zhangiztobe - settlement Kalbatau (Georgievka) - Semei (Semipalatinsk) (355 km).
Breakfast. On this share of way in all large settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival in Semipalatinsk, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
11 Day. Semei.
Breakfast. Excursion on SEmei. Visiting of regional history-study of local lore museum of governor being the was house, square of monuments of history of the Soviet period on at hotel "Semei", visiting orthodox Host Resurrection Cathedral, visiting Yamyshev of gate which are monument of the basis of town visiting of the area of name Abay, visiting of memorial of the Victory erected in honour of the 40 anniversary of victory over Great Domestic war, visiting of an one-minaret stone mosque of architect Gabdully Effendi monument of XIX century, visiting of two-minaret cathedral mosque constructed at financial support of merchants Suleimenov, Abdeshev, Rafikhov, visiting of museum of Dostoevsky. Sightseeing tour on city. Overnight in hotel.
12 Day. Semei - train station Aul - check point «Aul\Veseloyarsk» (122 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Semei - settlement Borovoe -check point «Aul\Veseloyarsk» (122 km). Passing of formalities of the Kazakhstan and Russian customs and boundary service. Departure to Barnaul.
The additional information in Kazakhstan:
That is necessary for transit travel (short-term import) foreign car on territory of Republic Kazakhstan?
Special permissions of motor vehicles in Republic Kazakhstan are not present. All necessary documents for entrance to Republic Kazakhstan are form out on customs item of border.
The driver at entrance to Republic Kazakhstan is obliged to have at itself - driver's license, vehicle registration certificate, power of attorney on driving of vehicle.
On border crossing checkpoint it is necessary for driver to fill in Kazakhstan:
1. Customs declaration. In the customs declaration, on 2-nd page, in the bottom part, there is column, there it is necessary to enter data of the car (category of vehicle, state number, number of the engine, number of carosserie, number car frame) (the customs declaration give out free of charge).
2. Returned obligation on vehicle. The returned obligation is document in which you give obligation to customs bodies of Republic Kazakhstan, that guarantee export of motor vehicle from Kazakhstan in the specified term, without the right of sale and donation to territories of Republic of Kazakhstan. The returned obligation is filled in duplicate, one remains at customs service, another remains to you. At departure Republic Kazakhstan, you should leave the returned obligation on customs item of departure (the returnable obligation give out free of charge and any duties on temporary import of the car on territory of Republic Kazakhstan does not undertake).
3. Migration card (give out free of charge).
Insurance of vehicle in Kazakhstan:
In Republic Kazakhstan according to the law on insurance obligatory insurance of vehicle is necessary. After passing of customs and boundary procedures on border at entrance to Republic Kazakhstan it is necessary to issue obligatory insurance of vehicle in item of insurance. Cost of insurance vehicle means depends on year of release, market cost, category of vehicle. Provisional cost of insurance of the vehicle from $25 up to $50
More detailed information on rules of import and export of motor vehicles on our site www.silkadv.com in section "Helpful information".
Author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author petrovsra@mail.ru
Alexander Petrov
photos by.