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Karasu lake in Kyrgyzstan.

Travel on lakes of Southern Kyrgyzstan.
«A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature»
Henry David Thoreau.
Trip to lakes in Tien-Shan mountains.
Geographical location Karasu lake. Lake Karasu is located in the region of the Taktalyk ridge, downstream Kapka–Tash, at height 2000 underground sea level. Long lake is approximately 6. 5 kilometers, width 1.5 - 2 kilometers, the average depth of the lake is 90 meters.
On abrupt coast of lake grows Tien-Shan fir, a juniper, a mountain ash, a barberry and bushes. The climatic conditions of the Karasu lake. The climate of Karasu lake is warm, dry and moderate.
Summer temperature 22 - 26 degrees during the day and 8 to 14 degrees at night.
Wind regime is moderate. Winters are snowy and frosty. The water temperature of lake Karasu. On the surface in summer the water temperature reaches 17 - 19 degrees. At a depth of 14 – 16 meters begins a thermocline.
Constant temperature starting from a depth of 25 meters 5 - 6 degrees. The formation of ice takes place every winter around the lake. The lake is a good dirt road. Approaches to water are good. The transparency of water is 8 to 12 meters.
There are a lot of fish (Peled and Marinka). Fauna under water scarce. Under water you can see the rocks and shoals of fish.
Sergei Bulanov.