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Home » Dzhalal-Abad region nature. Places of interest of the Kyrgyz mountains ridge.

Karasu lake in Kyrgyzstan.

Travel on lakes of Southern Kyrgyzstan.

«A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature»

Henry David Thoreau.

Trip to lakes in Tien-Shan mountains.

Geographical location Karasu lake. Lake Karasu is located in the region of the Taktalyk ridge, downstream Kapka–Tash, at height 2000 underground sea level. Long lake is approximately 6. 5 kilometers,  width 1.5 - 2 kilometers, the average depth of the lake is 90 meters.
On abrupt coast of lake grows Tien-Shan fir, a juniper, a mountain ash, a barberry and bushes. The climatic conditions of the Karasu lake. The climate of Karasu lake is warm, dry and moderate.
Summer temperature 22 - 26 degrees during the day and 8 to 14 degrees at night.
Wind regime is moderate. Winters are snowy and frosty. The water temperature of lake Karasu. On the surface in summer the water temperature reaches 17 - 19 degrees. At a depth of 14 – 16 meters begins a thermocline.
Constant temperature starting from a depth of 25 meters 5 - 6 degrees. The formation of ice takes place every winter around the lake. The lake is a good dirt road. Approaches to water are good. The transparency of water is 8 to 12 meters.
There are a lot of fish (Peled and Marinka). Fauna under water scarce. Under water you can see the rocks and shoals of fish.


Sergei Bulanov.