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Amir Tura Madrasah.

Tourist places of interest of Khiva.
“Our way to Him (God) is mutual intercourse, but not a hermit, in a hermit it is glory, and in glory is destruction. Good deeds are found only in the assembly of people. ”
Baghauddin Muhammad ibn Burhanuddin al-Bukhari.
Best destinations 2019 Khiva.
The madrasah Amir Tura is located in the downtown of Ichan - Qala, just behind the madrassah Yusuf Yasaulbashi. It was built in 1841 Muossa Tura, son Rakhmankuli Inak who was the grandson of Muhammad Rahim Khan I and nephew of Alla Quli Khan.
To the names of the descendants of the Khan's dynasty the word Tura would be added. In 1855 Moussa Tura was killed in a battle with the Turkmen yomuds and was buried in that madrassah. The Madrassah has shape of a trapezium when viewed from above.
The Madrassah consists of two courtyards, a two-domed lobby, hujras, a mosques and darskhana. The building has been renovated and is currently being used as a shop of products of craftsmen.