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Dost Alam Madrasah.

Tours over histories of ancient Khiva.
“Be prepared to realize that all the beliefs arising from your environment were insignificant, even if they were once very useful to you. They may become useless and actually be traps. ”
Baha'Auddin Muhammad ibn Burhanuddin al-Bukhari.
Geographic tours in Khorezm.
The madrasah was built with the support of Dost Alam, who was a lawyer at the citadel of Muhammad Rahimkhan II. At that time lawyers commonly studied in madrassahs. This small one-storeyed building looks like a rectangular with towers at the corners when observing from upstairs.
Oversaw the construction - Khudaybergen Haji and Qalandar Kochim was the master. At present the shop from wood that sells different goods is located in the madrassah. Through the next door you can view the monuments of medieval architecture.