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Maral Ishan Mosque Kostanay.

Walks on places of interest Kostanay.
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I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers”
Langston Hughes.
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An exquisite and unique building of Kostanay Cathedral Mosque has a pleasant view and attracts citizens’ attention more than 120 years by being as one of the most beautiful buildings in the city, and it is listed as one of the main attractions.
The mosque has two names from the first day after construction. An official is Kostanay Cathedral Mosque, and informal is White Mosque, which was given by prayers-citizens. It symbolizes the beauty and purity of the mosque.
Kostanay Cathedral Mosque was built in 1893 by ordinary Muslims’ donations and wealthy merchants, who were living in the Tatar Village (now it is Nariman district, Kostanay). Tatars’, then was Shakirovskiy and afterwards Narimanov Sloboda, which took an important role in the Kostanay’s young life.
Major donations for new mosque building was made by one of the best-known merchants, benefactors, city patrons and the representative of Troitsk trading house "Brothers Yaushevs" - Abdulvali Yaushev.
After Abdulvali Yaushev’s death in 1906, his younger brother Mullagali undertook the management of the mosque. The historical background of the family Yaushev was closely intertwined with the difficult history of our country.
The youth Yaushev was a head of the "Islamic Charity Society of Troitsk" and managed the executive committee of the Muslim orphanage from 1907 to 1917. He was one of the founders of the Muslim Charity Society in Kostanay, 1909.
After the Revolution and before the Civil War, approximately in 1918-1919, Mullagali Yaushev moved with his family to Vladivostok, then emigrated to Harbin (China), and then to Yokohama (Japan).
The family stayed in Yokohama until 1926. Despite having an opportunity to immigrate to the United States, Yaushevs decided to return Russia. The family lived in poverty after returning to Tashkent, where they stayed afloat by the help of their former employees.
The main building of the mosque is 6 meters in height; initially it was divided into two tiers. The lower tier was completely covered with felt, where prayed rather poor Muslims, the local nobility prayed in the top tier, which had walls, floors with decorated beautiful carpets.
According to architectural plan, the mosque building has the following parameters: area of the mosque is 844.3 m2, building area - 5550 meter cube, the total area - 851.4 m2, the height - 4,510; height of the dome - 18,890, the height of the minaret - 22,745 meter.
The total capacity of the mosque is more than 1000 people. Most of mosques, orthodox churches and other places of worship were closed and refurbished during the period of Soviet Union. Kostanay Cathedral Mosque could not escape that fate too.
The mosque building was converted into a club by decision of the City Council in 1931. One of the club's staff, projectionist Zakharov recalled: "Films were showed only in the evenings.
The exact time of the beginning of film was not published on posts. Simply written - the beginning of film after cows". A large influx of evacuees and people together with their businesses gushed out to Kostanay region in the beginning of the war.
The building of the mosque was constructed evacuation center, under the roof was found a shelter where evacuated people from Leningrad. After the war, the theatre for young spectators was organized there (KTYUZ).
“The authorized faithful Muslim people" of Kostanay had started to address messages to Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR T.Kerimbaev since 1946. People asked to return their house for praying.
40 years later, in 1986, the building was converted again. At this time, the acoustic properties of construction were used for concert hall of the regional philharmonic society. However, the building was given to religious community of Muslims in 1991 by decision of the Kostanay Council.
First time, Kurban Ait Namaz was made in Kostanay mosque, 1991. The general reconstruction of the mosque building was carried out later. Then, Kostanay Cathedral Mosque celebrated its centenary in 1993.
The mosque was renamed in honor of an outstanding scientist Maral Ishan Kurmanuly in 2002. Today, the Mosque of Maral Ishan is on the list of historical monuments, which is protected by the state.