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Kostanay Museum of History and Local Lore.

Fact-finding tours and excursions Kazakhstan.
"Live, love, so as not to rush past
Everything that is released by fate.
We are not a vine buried in winte
And they are torn off again in the spring."
Loic Sherali. "Chalice of Khayyam".
Museum tours in Kostanay region.
Kostanay Regional Museum of History and Local Lore was opened on August 1, 1915 as a city museum. Since July 1936 it has become a regional museum. One of the first exhibits were visual aids on natural science, donated by the city's educational institutions, and ethnographic household items.
In 1925, the foundation was laid for the formation of a collection of weapons donated to the museum by former red partisans, and a photographic documentary fund on the history of revolutionary events and the civil war in the region.
In the 1930s - 1940s the intensive study of the region by scientists, ethnographers, geologists, archaeologists laid the foundation for the formation of the archaeological, mineralogical, paleontological collections of the museum.
Currently, the museum has the richest photographic documentary fund. The number of exhibits now exceeds 90 thousand items. In 1995 the museum moved to a new building. The funds of the museum are represented by rich paleontological, botanical, zoological and entomological collections.
The archaeological collection is represented by unique finds from the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Particular attention is paid to the formation of an ethnographic collection, which includes jewelry, a collection of clothes of peoples living in the region (Kazakh women and girls costumes and samples of gold embroidery, costumes of Russian peasant women in the Moscow and Kursk provinces, Mordovian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Mari, Khakass costumes , elements of Tatar and Bashkir national costumes), household items.
The museum contains a rich numismatic collection, as well as collections of stamps, heraldic signs, etc. Collections of film and video materials, a collection of rare books, etc. are being formed. In 1995, the Kostanai branch of the Cultural Fund transferred a collection of paintings and graphics - more than 3000 paintings, including works of famous Kazakhstani artists Abylkhan Kasteev, Nikolai Gavrilovich Khludov, Zhanatay Shardenov, Gulfayrus Ismailova, etc.
Address Kostanay Museum of History and Local Lore: 458000 Kostanay, st. Altynsarin, 115. Tel .: 542 649: 546 932.
The Kostanay guide.