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Mamat Maram Madrasah in Khiva.

Historical places of Khiva.
“Khorezm is a vast country from the fifth climate, with cool weather. Its capital since the time of the ancient Persian kings 11 before twenty years had passed was the city of Urgench. Currently, as a result of the removal of Jayhun from him, the capital of the region was transferred to Khiva, which was subject to him. Khiva is a spacious city with a healthy climate, the birthplace of Sheikh Najm ad-Din Kubra. At the present time, this country has been improved not in the same way as before. Its ruler is a descendant of Tukay-Timur-Khan. the son of Juchi Khan, and his army consists entirely of Uzbeks, who are called Saka Turkman, they are the offspring of the Guzz tribe. They say: the vastness of Khorezm was to such an extent that the lands subject to it were divided into one hundred and seventy fogs. Currently, only two fogs have been landscaped. The people of Khorezm are brave, strong, sensitive, intelligent, and in no way do they remain in debt ”
Hudaybergen Ibn Koshmuhammad Khivaki.
Package holiday in Khiva.
Madrasah Mamat Maram it is constructed in 1903. It is located on crossing of streets of K.Baltaeva and hemps Khalfa, it has been erected by one of the most influential officials and advisers Mukhammad of Rakhim-khan II.
Madrasah and mosque Mamat Maram represent a typical complex. Madrasah owns 7327 Tanaps the grounds (1 Tanap - 334.4 meters square). The building is constructed from burnt a brick.
The facade leaves on the south with small displacement on the West. At three corners, except for southwest, there are small towers - Guldasta. In a southwest corner auxiliary rooms of a mosque and a minaret which adjoin a two-dome direct lobby forward act.
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