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Mohammed Rasul Mirzabashi.

Trip to Khiva.
"O heaven, I am tired of your rotation,
To you without a response my moan rises.
Only thou shalt ignorant and fools only - so know:
I'm not so wise, not so enlightened "
Omar Khayyam.
Vacation destination in Khiva.
Mohammed Rasul Mirzabashi has constructed madrasah opposite to a face part karikhana, located to a southwest from mausoleum Pakhlavan Makhmud. Madrasah it is constructed in the usual traditional form, without ornaments, the low portal is turned by an obverse facade on the north.
Because of the small sizes and a modest kind this building, is included in a number of the constructions which are a part of a complex of mausoleum Pakhlavan Makhmud. Madrasah it is simple on a structure has the trapezoid form.
The entrance lobby madrasah consists of one room. An input in a courtyard madrasah through an aperture in the form of a direct quadrangle. In, located at the left at an input there is a tomb (probably with a burial place Mohammed Rasula Mirzo).
In total in madrasah there are three cell the different sizes. In a southwest corner of a court yard the small mosque in the form of a quadrangle is located. Now here it is built new aivan.