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History of Khiva.

Cognitive excursions on places of interest of Khiva.
"In his history of the conquest of the Achaemenian city experienced periods of prosperity and where the boundaries of the ancient Khorezm extended to Kolhidy. In 1598 Khiva became the main city of Khiva, it was a small fortified town with a Xth century history. Khiva is also among the ancient cities of South Khorezm. The most modern fortified part of the city is the modern interior of the Ichan-Kala. Khiva, as well as Hazarasp, underwent multiple changes, as evidenced by archaeological and architectural surveys. The time of the initial emergence of this city is difficult to determine precisely, since in Khiva itself the excavations are just beginning, and the archaeologists still little know the stratigraphy of the ancient cultural layer of the city. However, the remnants of old buildings and some other signs shed light on the history of the emergence and development of this city. On the inner side of the city wall, at the very base of it, were found remains of mud bricks of 36 x 36 x 9 cm, 38 x 38 x 10 cm and 37 x 39 x 10 cm, their horizontal rows alternate with layers of pahsy in 10 - 12 cm thick. Here, the dimensions of the brick and the method of laying the fortress wall show an almost complete analogy with a number of monuments of lands of ancient irrigation from the 5th – 8th centuries. n er Particular attention is attracted by the fact that the main residential structure of the Khiva citadel "Akshikh-Baba", like the ancient fortresses, was erected on the bulk or natural sand dunes. The latter circumstance, as a traditional reception characteristic of antiquity, requires special study before drawing conclusions about the dating of a building. ”
Ya. G. Gulyamov.
Khiva is one of the ancient cities Horasmis, later known as Hvarezmi - Khorezm. Khorezm is a large country located in the west central Asia, south of the Aral Sea. Currently, these areas prmnadlezhat Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
According archeology data, Khiva was founded over 2,500 years ago [source not specified 173 days]. In ancient times the city was known as Heyvak. According to legend Khiva was founded by one of the prophets.
In his history of the conquest of the Achaemenian city experienced periods of prosperity and where the boundaries of the ancient Khorezm extended to Kolhidy. In 1598 Khiva became the main city of Khiva, it was a small fortified town with a Xth century history.
Legend tells of its origin, that the city has grown around the well Heyvak, from which the water was amazing taste, and the well was dug on the orders of Shem, the son of the biblical Noah. In Ichan-Kala (Inner City of Khiva) and today you can see this well.
In a short period of Khiva became one of the spiritual centers of the Islamic world. The heyday of Khiva as a city building sets monumental architectural structures in XVIII - early XX century, when state regulations Uzbek dynasty Kungrat.
In the years 1793-1794 visited Khiva Blankennagel physician, traveled from St. Petersburg to Khiva to cure eye of the local governor, who was engaged during a trip collecting different information about this country.
He left a detailed description of Khiva, its geographical location, natural resources, population and foreign trade, including data on trade with Russia.
«Khiva city and legends» the tourist guidebook across Khiva”.
Photos from history museum in Khiva.