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Park Victory in Dushanbe.

FAM tour in Dushanbe.
"History should not overstep the limits of truth, and for honest deeds, one truth is enough"
Pliny the Younger.
Victory Park is located northeast of Friendship of Peoples Street and east of Mirzo Tursunzade Street, in the mountainous eastern part on the outskirts of Dushanbe. The architectural and sculptural memorial complex was built in 1975 according to the project of the team of authors from the Dushanbegiprogor Institute (architects B. Zukhurdinov, V. Shcherdinin, sculptor D. Ryabichev).
The main entrance to the forest park and to the memorial is provided from Druzhby Narodiv Street in the form of a wide alley with stairs. For convenient communication and facilitating the ascent to the top of the hill with the memorial, a cable car was built (project architect M. Ismailov, designer R. Khursandov).
The opening of the Victory Park in Dushanbe was timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. According to the project, the Square of Sorrow with an eternal flame, the Alley of Heroes with a high relief and a sculpture of the Mother were built in the park.
At the foot of the stairs in the center is a polished granite slab with inscriptions in honor of the soldiers - heroes of the Soviet Union. At the same time, the cascade of pools and the Motherland-Mother monument envisaged by the project remained unrealized.
Victory Park is one of the favorite places for recreation of citizens. On holidays, especially on Victory Day, military parades are constantly held on the upper terrace.
Geographic coordinates of Pobeda park in Dushanbe: N38°35'02.61" E68°48'48.52"
Authirity and photos by:
Saliya Mamadjanova, Rustam Mukimov. Architecture and town-planning of Dushanbe (history, the theory and practice). Dushanbe, 2008, with. 173 - 174.