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Museum of ethnography in Dushanbe.

Ethnographic excursions on museums of Tajikistan.
"A moral culture must be based on principles..."
Immanuel Kant.
Excursions to museum of ethnography in Dushanbe.
Museum of Ethnography of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after A. Donish of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan is located on Academicians Radjabov Street, 7 between the streets of the 1st passage of Academicians Radjabovs and Istaravshan in the city of Dushanbe.
The museum of ethnography has been opened in 1981, its funds have started to be formed with the end of 1940th years at a department of ethnography of Institute of history, archeology, ethnography of the Academy of sciences of Tajikistan.
Construction of a building in which the museum settles down, has been completed in 1934. This museum contains one of the richest in Central Asia of collections of historical subjects of culture and a life of people of Tajikistan.
The first purchases have been made by ethnographer Michael Andreev who is considered the founder of an ethnographic science in Tajikistan. The big contribution to formation of collection fund the well-known Soviet ethnographers N.Ershov, A.Pisarchik have brought, M. Khamidjanov.
For more than 60 years of active work the museum accumulated many collections brought by researchers from scientific ethnographic expeditions in the assembly. In 1981 the museum has received a premise in downtown where has created the first constant expositions and has opened doors for visitors.
In April, 2007 under the decision of management of Institute of history, archeology and ethnography the exposition of the Museum of ethnography has been moved to a building near to the National museum of antiquities of Tajikistan.
The collection of a museum includes more than 10 000 units of storage and is the largest assembly in the world on ethnography of Tadjiks. It distinguish not only extensiveness and integrated approach, but also accuracy and detail scientific.
Among the most valuable collection subjects - female ornaments of the end of XVIII century, a collection of textiles and clothes of XIX century, samples cold and fire-arms of XIX century, product of potters and woodcarvers practically from all areas of Tajikistan.
Samples of traditional culture of Tadjiks of Samarkand and Bukhara also are presented to collections XIX - the beginnings of XX century. The new exposition of a museum is opened in 2007. Its distinctive feature and uniqueness consists that she represents all variety the Tadjik culture, with set of regional features.
The exposition opens specificity of traditional culture of Tadjiks on the basis of extremely rich and full collections. The exposition located on the area about 250 square meters, consists of four basic sections:
Traditional culture of Tadjiks of Northern Tajikistan.
Traditional culture of Tadjiks of Southern Tajikistan.
Traditional culture of Tadjiks of the Central areas of Tajikistan.
Traditional culture of Tadjiks of Pamir.
Here it is presented about 1000 collection subjects Museum the most visited in Dushanbe. Survey and thematic excursions for tourists, schoolboys and students are spent. The ethnographies presented by a museum exhibits characterize social, cultural and patrimonial mutual relations during the various historical periods.
Expositions of a museum are included by samples of pottery, furniture, a collection of jewels, musical instruments, subjects of national clothes. Here it is possible to see exhibits from all regions of Tajikistan.
The museum will be interesting to everyone who is interested in history and culture of this country. The museum participates in foreign exhibitions. The museum is opened from 9.00 till . On Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 till . A break for a dinner from 12.00 till . The Days off - Monday. An input paid.
Geographical coordinates of Museum of Ethnography in Dushanbe: N38°33'59.09" E68°47'25.92"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.