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Lake Akkol head of Issyk River.

Trekking to lakes mountains Northern Tien-Shan.
“Nature abhors annihilation”
Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Walk Zailiskiy Ala-Tau Kazakhstan.
Moraine, flowing, fresh lake Ak-Kol ("White Lake" translated from the Kazakh language) is located at an altitude of 3111.7 meters above sea level, located in upper reaches of Issyk River, on territory of Almaty Nature Reserve, on northern slope of Trans-Ili Alatau in Talgar area in southern part of Almaty region.
The lake is formed by a dam, an ancient moraine and a landslide, from the south the Kok-Bulak River ("Blue Spring" in translation from the Kazakh language) flows into the lake by an ancient moraine and a landslide. The length of the lake from north to south is 680 meters, the greatest width is 353 meters.
The length of the lake coastline is 1788 meters, the area is 174038 square meters. The lake has underground drainage and filtration in moraine sediments. It feeds on glacial and melted snow waters. The lake was formed in a small depression on the surface of a modern frontal moraine, some distance from the end of the glacier.
The path from the Issyk gorge to the Korzhenevsky glacier and for climbing Talgar Peak from the south and other tourist and mountaineering routes lies across the lake.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Akkol: N43°07'37 E77°29'08
Alexander Petrov.
«Nature Zailiskiy Ala-Tau», M.Z.Zhandaev, "Kazakhstan", Alma-Ata, 1978
Photos by:
Sergei Mikhalkov, Almaty city.