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Researches of Almaty reserve.

Tours Almaty reserve.
“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow”
Anita Desai.
Visit of sights in Almaty reserve.
History of biological researches of the Almaty reserve and research of natural complexes began before creation of the reserve. In 20 - 30 years of the last century the famous scientists - scientists N. A. Severtsov and M. A. Menzbir worked here.
After (1937 - 1941) S. I. Ognyov, V. I. Shitnikov, D. N. Kashkarov, M. D. Zverev, P. A. Manteyfel and many others worked at his territory. Already the first release of Works of the reserve was published 19309 g, 9 releases of works were published further.
The most considerable works published in this periodical were - an ecological sketch of birds of the Almaty reserve; L. M. Shulpin and B. K. Shtegman ornithological works; the monograph about flora of the reserve of M. G. Popov; short determinant of trees and P. P. Polyakov bushes; M. A. Proskuryakov monograph "Biology of blossoming and fruits of a fir-tree Tien-Shan".
The full list of the works published in all releases of Works of the reserve is provided in the editorial article of release for 1970. In the ninth release of the works "Animal and Flora of the Almaty Reserve" of 9 articles are devoted to invertebrates - spiders and insects (P. I works. Marikovsky, G.I.Savoyskaya, L. N. Medvedev, V. M. Antsiferov and I. D. Mityaev), 4 works on birds, 2 works about mammals (a stone marten and to an ermine).
The proximity to one of scientific centers o
f the CIS (Alma-Ata) played a positive role in performance of the main objective of any reserve - studying and preservation of conditions of natural development of natural processes of reference territories. More than 200 works on the materials collected in the territory of the reserve are so far published (on geography, soil science, botany and forestry, phytopathology, entomology, Helminthology, ornithology, a teriologiya, etc., including on applied aspects of these sciences).
"Zhetysu is the Land of tourism”. A Tourist Guide-book. Almaty. 2003. 68 p. and the material for this page is taken from the printed edition."Guide to Kazakhstan" Baur Publishing House 2002. “Central Asia Mountains”. 2009, Almaty,Publishing house “Mektep”. Authos Aldar Gorbunov, Anna Ivachenko, Sharipa Bisarieva.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.