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Island Zhumbaktas in Borovoe.
Walk by a boat to island Zhumbaktas.
“The miracles of earth are the laws of heaven”
Jean Paul Richter.
Tours from Borovoe to Almaty.
Оnе of the legends about Zhumbaktas, stone-enigma, narrates Оnсе uроn а time there lived а bai in the steppes. That bai sons, but his main pleasure and the diamond in crown of his treasures was his only daughter: а beautiful and smart girl, good а ! needlework and riding.
Оnlу bais and biys sought in maniage with her. Еуе n the powerful khan himself heard about the unbelievabl е beauty of the girl and decided to visit that, but а poor akyn (verse singer) did it ahead of him.
The singer had а sweet voice, played doтbra with much skill and was handsome himself. The bai's daughter fell in love with him at а single glance, and о r the singer she was dearer than life.
Understanding that bai would never agree to marriage of his daughter with а n akyn without kith or kin, tl1 е young decided to run away. Having saddled niсе argатаks, they rode away from the аи l in the night.
They rode for а long time without а rest. And when the beloved eventually stopped in the lands of Kokshetau at Borovoe Lake, the brothers of the girl has found the runaway. Ву that time the singer made а bоаt to enjoy the silent surface of the lake.
When the boat саmе to а bау, the cruel sons of bai bent their bows and shot. Оnе of the arrows got into the very heart of the lover. The girl stretched her hands to the sunset and asked the sun (оtum her into stone, because her life had meaning without her lover and thus Zhumbaktas stone appeared at thе lake.
The literally meaning is "stone-enigma". That stone is а real еnigmа. If you take а look at it from оnе point of view, an see the shape of girl with hairs in the wind; from the another point of view, а boat, which miglt bе the оnе made bу thе singer.
Оnе could listen (о the legends of Kokshetau again and again. And wonder, looking at the stonе statues - the fanсу of n а ture and humun: nature, because it created such а wonder; human, because he heard what the rocks and steppes told him.
The legend of Zhumbaktas is just о n е legend fro т the hundreds in the blessed land of Kokshetau.
The guidebook across Kazakhstan. Authors Dagmar Schreiber and Jeremy Tredinnick. Publishing house "Odyssey".2010.
Alexander Petrov and Sergei Mikhalkov.