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Kyzyl Kent ruins in Karkaraly.

Educational tourism in Karkaraly park.
«Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves»
Jean-Jacques Roussea.
Primary wellness tourism in Karkaraly park.
In the Karkaraly oasis you can discover finds and settlements from the Bronze Age and early Iron Age. This is a fascinating part of the world, with lakes surrounded by ravaged granite cliffs and pine forests at 1,200m.
The Kent settlement dating from the late Bronze Age (XII to IX centuries B.C.) is situated in the Kent mountains 270 km south-east of Karaganda. The largest such settlement in Central Kazakhstan – the centre alone occupies 30 hectares, and the total агеа, including the farmed land, exceeds l00 hectares - many archeologists consider it а proto-city.
The inhabitants of Kent produced bronze, as evidenced by the huge furnaces in which соррег and tin were combined to make the alloy. But Kent was not restricted to bronze production. Agricultural products were stored, processed and traded here, and there is also evidence of аn important religious function, in the form of а stone sanctuary measuring 84 meters long by 46 meters wide.
Моrе оvеr, Kent was а significant political and economic regional centre: ceramic and other artefacts found in the area prove that the settlement had numerous commercial and political contacts with western Siberia, Central Asia, Xinjiang and Iran.
Оnе final discovery аt Kent suggests that archeologists may have to revise their chronology of the development of metallurgy. lron ore, slag and iron-smelting fumaces indicate iron production as early as the X century В.С., two centuries earlier than was commonly believed until the excavations at Kent revealed this startling discovery.
It is believed to be the largest ancient settlement in Central Kazakhstan. Kent is a settlement whose inhabiting tribes produced goods from bronze. Huge furnaces, where copper and tin were mixed, are of particular interest.
Kyzyl Kent ruin is one of the most mysterious monuments of Kazakhstan which is located far away from the nearest towns of Kent mountains in Karaganda region. This monument dates from the XIV century, but the origin is still argued by scientists.
If one version says that the Kyzyl-Kent is the remains of the ancient Buddhist temple, the second version says that the palace was built by Buddhists-Dzhungars in the XVIII century. Conquerors tried to settle on the territory of Kazakhstan in borrowed time and Kyzyl-Kent was built as a fortified outpost.
This version was supported after an expedition which was conducted by A. Margulan. A metal trigger of the gun and a Chinese coin were found in Kyzyl Kent. Also there is a third version which says that the place is a complex temple.
It was a lamasery which was built in the middle of the XVII century by Ochirtu-Tsetsen Khan (King), the second king of Dzungaria. Despite to all different versions about the origin of the palace, all scientists agree that the Kyzyl-Kent is an architectural monument during Zhungars' invasion in Kazakh steppes.
The ruins of Kyzyl Kent are located in a small secluded valley which is completely surrounded by rocky mountains. The main palace of the building has the form of cross in architectural terms. Three smaller rooms and front part were attached to the central hall in the form of a square 10 x 10 m from each side.
The walls were made from solution, plastered and painted red color. Thus, the complex is called Kyzyl Kent. The other three (adjacent to the main) buildings are complementary. The hearth for a large cauldron was preserved, it was the kitchen.
According to scientists, the main building was constructed like the Tibetan and Mongolian canons. Two rows of six columns divided the space of the central hall into three parts. Once it kept overlapping gallery of the second tier and the roof with skylights.
The left room was a place for making and storing candles and lamps, right was for tissue storage to manufacture various religious objects, and behind the altar was a dedicated space or room for idols, where lamas laid victims.
Other four pillars supported the balcony, which was above the entrance, from which the lamas played on various musical instruments in order to call for service. The chief minister of the monastery located here during major holidays, when there were religious and ceremonial presentations in front of the temple.
Several graves are near the Kyzyl Kent. The external appearance of them do not resemble as Kazakhs. Several clay pots with wheat seeds were found by scientists near the ruins, and some items of Buddhist worship.
Local people consider these places mysterious and unkind. According to legends of people Kyzyl-Kent ruins comprehend the misery and a quick death. There is a beautiful legend about a rich Kalmyk princess and a poor jigit (man).
The Kyzyl-Kent ruins are included to the list of architectural monuments of Kazakhstan, and taken under state protection.
Alexander Petrov.