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Akespe valley Mangyshlak.

Expeditions tours to Mangyshlak.
“Not all those who wander are lost”
J.R.R. Tolkien.
Excursions to Akespe valley on Mangyshlak.
The valley to Akespe to Mangystau is in the central part of the peninsula of Mangyshlak. 9 kilometers separate it from the gulf Koshak. Through the valley to Akespe the highway Aktau - fields Karazhambas, Kalamkas and Northern Buzachi runs.
In a word, the road connects Aktau to a northern part of the peninsula of Mangyshlak. The valley to Akespe is in the canyon of the same name which was stretched from the southeast on the northwest on 13 kilometers.
Through the main course of a canyon the bridge is laid. The valley to Akespe is put by cretaceous breeds, it is white chalk which in a sunny weather intolerably reflects sunshine.
Authority and photos
Alexandr Petrov.