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Akmaya mount on Mangyshlak.

Guided Natural History Tours on Mangyshlak.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”
Augustine of Hippo.
Nature Mangyshlak Tours.
Mount Akmaya, 109.7 meters above sea level, is located in the central part of the Mangyshlak peninsula, in the Ulken-Karasay valley, east of the Alas valley, 10.7 kilometers southeast of the Yemdy mountain range in the Mangystau district of the Mangystau region.
15 kilometers separate Mount Akmaya from the eastern part of Koshak Bay. Aktau highway passes near Mount Akmay – Karazhambas, Kalamkas and Northern Buzachi deposits. In a word, this road connects Aktau with the right part of the Mangyshlak peninsula.
Mount Akmaya is clearly visible from the road. She, like a snow-white ship with a single porthole in the bow, continues sailing in the boundless steppes of Mangistau. The mountain is composed of chalk rocks and stretched from the northwest to the southeast for 580 meters.
From here, it is not far to the Torysh valley, and the Akespe and Usak valleys are also in the immediate vicinity of the mountain.
Geographical coordinates of Mount Akmaya: N44°22'01.52" E51°31'46.45"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.